Home High School Money as Debt and who controls us

Money as Debt and who controls us


Money as Debt, is a video link and is well worth watching (45 minutes) to understand the invisible powers that control our society and explains the "why" behind the sudden global drop in interest rates.

Contrary to what the banks and government seem to be doing, which is make it easier for those with existing loans to cope, it is a creative way to get more new loans, which in turn builds more personal and national debt.

It also explains the recent onslaught of credit card pre-approvals in our mailboxes since the recession issue has graced our general media, when common sense would have us tightening our belts.

Our money / credit system has been in play for over 300 years but the true value of what is produced and created becomes irrelevant compared to the ease with which banks can profit from every single loan written.

Assess it for yourself on http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9050474362583451279 and be as gobsmacked as I was at the quotes of past Bank of England chairmen, early US presidents and a recent Rockefella.

Please show your children, friends, local Council and Members of Parliament for we are all quite niave about money’s history and value system; then you’ll know why they don’t teach this in school.