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NEHDA Is Looking For Talent…


NewEdge Hockey Development Academy is in yet another growth mode and in need of energetic, motivated, knowledgeable hockey trainers. Coaching hockey and training hockey players are 2 COMPLETELY different animals and both require a certain set of skills in order to be effective. Even playing the game at a high level does not always translate into being able to train at a high level.

NewEdge Hockey Development Academy has exceptionally high standards simply because our mission is to give our customers the BEST hockey training service in the industry. Our professional trainers are improving every single day through research, mentors, NHL, AHL, and NCAA D1 contacts and by studying the latest skating and skill teaching techniques used at the highest levels of the game.

We live by the motto, “if you stop getting better, you will soon stop being good” which is a constant reminder for us for continued trainer development and improvements. The game of hockey continues to change and how hockey players train has changed as well. We do not “run kids through drills” , we teach, inform, educated, motivate, challenge, and develop players from the level of beginners all the way to our NHL clients.

We have an array of opportunities in both the Rochester and Buffalo, NY markets so if this sounds like something you would like to learn more about, please email us at [email protected]