New Technology at Coffee Guru
Most people I know love coffee. Even those of my friends who don’t enjoy the flavour acknowledge that the rest of us need our morning coffee to lubricate the cognitive gears of our minds.
Need of this lubrication was therefore the justification to purchase an expensive percolator for use at home. It is also the reason why I have an interest in coffee sites. My curiosity was thus aroused when my frolicking about on the internet landed me upon an article claiming to find “New Technology at Coffee Guru”.
Now as Coffee Guru is on the way to my work, and my work involves the development of new technology, then this internet distraction was clearly a valid use of company time (plus it hid the facebook page I was also viewing).
“mHITs at Coffee Guru”, it read “allows a coffee to be ordered and paid for with an SMS from your phone. Send the SMS as you are walking to the coffee shop and it is ready when you get there; simple.”
I followed a link to the mHITs (www.mhits.com.au for anybody interested) and registered my mobile phone to enable this service and claim $5 free credit for joining. Sadly for Coffee Guru, I returned to work and forgot about the mHITs.
Some days later I arrived during the morning rush at a Guru store and reluctantly joined the back of the ordering queue. When you actually pay attention, people waiting in lines are now more likely to fiddle with their mobile phones rather then talk to other people waiting to order. Why not use my phone to order, especially as I am right at the back of this line?
So I sent the ordering SMS.
Now without pompous proclamations from me declaring Coffee Guru as the “One coffee shop to rule them all,” I will just say that the ordering SMS worked and I received my free cup of lubrication. I have used it since and it continues to work.
Jumping the line at the coffee shop is nice when you are in a hurry and convenient when you don’t have loose change but to be honest, when I have the time I love sitting around in a coffee shop to let my gears grind over a few of the worlds issues.
Is saving me five minutes in the ordering queue a world issue? Probably not, but it is certainly as welcome to me as is getting distracted from work by checking on facebook.