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NYSPHSAA Holds 97th Annual Central Committee Meeting

Latham, NY– The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) held its annual summer meeting of the Central Committee on July 29 via video teleconference. The primary focus of the meeting is to vote on proposals and introduce discussion items pertaining to interscholastic athletics.

The Central Committee approved the expansion of the NYSPHSAA Coaches and Officials Appreciation Days to three times per year to include all three sport seasons (page 59 of the agenda). The Albany Capital Center was approved to host the Boys Volleyball Championships from 2021-23 and the Cool Insuring Arena to host the Girls Volleyball Championships from 2021-23.

The Committee approved utilizing 13 weight classes in the sport or wrestling as a two-year pilot beginning in the 2020-21 school year. The sport of field hockey had a proposal approved to allow the game clock to run when a five-goal differential is reached. A waiver for the nights rest rule and maximum number of contests for JV football players was approved (page 78-80 of the agenda). New baseball pitch count restrictions were approved for the 2021 season (page 113-14 of the agenda).

The sport of boys ice hockey received approval to adopt 17-minute periods with adjusted penalty times beginning in the 2020-21 season. Boys ice hockey was also granted approval to use a two-referee, one lineman officiating system in all regional and state final four games. In the sport of indoor track and field, only one relay team per school will be allowed at the State Championships.

Section X was awarded the Stay in the Game trophy for having the highest percentage of schools (75%) to not have any disqualifications by a player or coach at any level the 2019-20 school year.

The complete Central Committee agenda can be found here:

http://nysphsaa.org/Portals/0/PDF/Committees/Central/July%202020%20- %20Central%20Committee%20Meeting%20Packet%20Final.pdf

The meeting concluded with the passing of the gavel from outgoing NYSPHSAA President Paul Harrica (Section X) to incoming President Julie Bergman (Section IV). Harrica now transitions to the role of Past President for two years and Tim Mullins (Section XI) officially joins the NYSPHSAA officers as the second vice president. We would like to thank Past President Jim Osborne (Section IX) for his eight years of

service as a NYSPHSAA officer. The 2021 Central Committee meeting will take place July 27-28, 2021 at the World Resort Catskills in Monticello.