Home High School Next Door holiday blues

Next Door holiday blues


Next Door Holiday Blues


While we were away at the coast

the neighbours’ kids made toast

of the nature strip New Years Eve

burnt the power pole just to peeve

everyone who has what they perceive

to be a greater share of the good life


the neighbours on the other side

left their dog and pet bird behind

went away to stay with uncle and neice

then got caught unregistered by the police

dog went AWOL and destroyed the peace

and quiet, sick bird died in its cage


by contrast the neighbours at the back

offered to pick the rampant blackjack

feed the chooks in exchange for the eggs

harvest the nectarines and the ripe figs

water the veggies and bring in the mail

while we took their son to learn how to sail


what a curse or a blessing a neighbour

can be- heaven sent or a burden-our

lives can be made worse or better when

we just take the time now and again

to know what they’re doing, how they’re

going, if there’s an incident clear the air


a good neighbour can keep an eye on your child

help clean out the gutters if you’re old or unwell

good neighbours may or may not become friends

but they are so precious they can be like gold!


Fiona McIlroy 7.1.09

Healthy Neighbourhoods Officer

Conflict Resolution Service