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Northern Ontario Jr. Hockey League, Ontario Jr. Hockey League & Provincial Jr. Hockey League Vaccination Policy


2021-2022 season

The NORTHERN ONTARIO JR HOCKEY LEAGUE (“NOJHL”), the ONTARIO JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE (“OJHL”) and the PROVINCIAL JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE (”PJHL”) will require that all NOJHL, OJHL and PJHL Members be double-vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to the commencement of team activities associated with the beginning of the 2021/2022 season.

The policy applies to all players, coaches, trainers, team and league staff, officials, volunteers and billet families. 

The policy is fully intended to protect the health and safety of ALL NOJHL, OJHL and PJHL players and members and to protect against the potential transmission of the virus.

All three leagues will comply with the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) (or applicable State and US Federal legislation) and offer support to any league member who is unable to be vaccinated for substantiated medical reasons and/or on grounds protected under the OHRC. The leagues will collectively work together with independent medical and legal advisors appointed by the league Commissioners to assist with all issues.

For further information on this Policy, please email or call:
NOJHL Commissioner Robert Mazzuca 705-562-2972 [email protected]
OJHL Commissioner Marty Savoy 905-802-1620 [email protected]
PJHL Commissioner Terry Whiteside 519-901-0288 [email protected]