Home High School Nothing Week

Nothing Week

Nothing Week by Pete Hancock

‘Nothing Week’ is the other week following pay-week when those with something left in their pockets contribute to the well-being of others whose meagre income has been largely absorbed by ‘book-up’. Set in the remote South Australian township of Oodnadatta on the edge of the Simpson Desert, this enriching narrative offers a bridge into Aboriginal culture following the ups and downs which typify life in that unique community. A number of contemporary social and political issues are discussed in the context of a fictional five-week slice of time from the third week of May through to June.

About the Author – Pete Hancock

After a short taste of monastic life in the early 1960’s, a stint of secondary teaching and a 15-year career in the Australian public service, Pete Hancock left city life with his partner and three sons for the romantic alternative of a tropical island. A few years later, he took posts as a Community Advisor and Administrator on a number of Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales. It was this experience which inspired the writing of “Nothing Week”. Pete lives with his partner of 43 years in Wollongong, on the New South Wales South Cowast.

To purchase Nothing Week visit www.nothingweek.com