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NYSPHSAA News & Notes


NYSPHSAA Holds 96th Annual Central Committee Meeting 
Turning Stone Resort Hosting the Meeting

Latham, NY– The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) held its annual summer meeting of the Central Committee on July 30-31 in Verona, NY. The primary focus of the meeting was to vote on proposals, introduce discussion items pertaining to interscholastic athletics, and to afford superintendents, principals, athletic representatives, and section executive directors the opportunity to meet in small groups.

The proposal to follow NFHS rules in the sport of ice hockey and play 17-minute periods for the 2019-20 season was defeated by an 18-16 vote with 12 abstentions by three sections who do not have hockey. A proposal to increase the number of games/contests with restrictions on the number of scrimmages was defeated 26-20. By a 26-20 votes, the committee defeated a proposal to revise the prescribed penalty for exceeding the maximum number of games or contests.