Home High School NYSPHSAA Statement On Coronavirus

NYSPHSAA Statement On Coronavirus


The following statement comes from NYSPHSAA Executive Director Dr. Robert Zayas:

In response to numerous inquiries pertaining to the potential impact of the coronavirus on upcoming NYSPHSAA State Championship events, Dr. Robert Zayas, NYSPHSAA Executive Director, is closely monitoring the rapidly evolving situation. 

At this time (afternoon of Sunday, March 8th), the NYSPHSAA State Championships will be hosted as scheduled.  It is important for schools and athletes to practice risk mitigation as they prepare for participation in championship events and to follow recommendations from the New York State Department of Health.

Dr. Zayas is examining all scenarios and options related to the championships as the coronavirus continues to impact New York and the United States.  As updated information is released by the New York State Department of Health, the New York State Education Department and Governor Cuomo’s office, changes to the championship events could become necessary and warranted. 

The NYSPHSAA website and social media platforms are the best source of information pertaining to the upcoming State Championship events.