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On track to provide better care


The Australian Childhood Foundation together with Barnardos are running a new initiative in the ACT, in light of the increasingly complex needs of abused and traumatised children and young people requiring out of home care.

On Track ACT, a specialised therapeutic foster care program, is the first initiative of its kind to run in Canberra and according to Australian Childhood Foundation CEO, Dr Joe Tucci, “it can turn the lives of children around”.

“Children and young people traumatised by abuse and neglect need specialised support and care to assist them to recover from the devastating effects of what they have experienced.”

The program aims to provide foster carers with knowledge to better understand traumatised children and the skills to help them provide a home environment and approach to parenting that is sensitive to their abusive pasts.

“We have been running similar programs in other states for more than 10 years and have seen the amazing difference that such programs can make in the lives of children that many had given up on.”

A child or young person in ‘On Track ACT’ must be subject to a court order, be aged between 8-14 years, exhibit a range of complex needs or challenging behaviours, have a history of placement instability and require a long term placement with no plans for restoration.

People interested in joining the program as foster carers can help to make a significant difference in the lives of abused and traumatised children according to Dr Tucci.

“There are so many traumatised children in the ACT waiting for families who are able to understand them and respond to their needs in a way that helps undo the harm caused to them by abuse and neglect”

Foster Carers who join the On Track program become part of a ‘care team’, who meet regularly to ensure both they and child are receiving all the support they need.

“With training and support, carers are able to create a healing environment at home in the way they understand, care for and parent the child.”

Referrals to ‘On Track ACT’ are made via the Office for Children Youth and Family Support Placement Review Committee. Once deemed eligible, On Track ACT will commence placement linking.

To become an ‘On Track’ carer, or to find out further information, contact Shannon Bradbury from Barnardos on 02 6228 9500 or [email protected].

The program is delivered in partnership by the Australian Childhood Foundation and Barnardos and is funded by the ACT government.