One of the problems society has is selecting and encouraging leaders.Too much is required of the process of competition.Too little is done to develop those men or women suitable for public management.There is often insuffecient scope for leaders to demonstrate relevance unless they seize the moment.The problems leaders solve and the value they add to public managemnt means leaders may be required to develop and nurture considerable courage in themselves.Consequently there needs to be developed in accountability frameworks the concept that leaders have rights similar to others and may have additional ones due to the uncertainty and vulnerability of their role.Others may escape such close examination.
Accountability frameworks unnecessarily emphasise the role the role dissapointment can lead to severe stress for a leader. Accountability frameworks can therefore be counterproductive or irrelevant when it is acknowledged leaders have rights even when performance is poor.Such rights emophasise the humanity of leaders, which when accepted can lead to a deepining of experience then making possible improvements in performance.
Too much effort has been wasted in leadership development everywhere by relying on the sometimes destructive roole of interpersonl competition and often the survival of the fittest.There is need for mechanisms and inspiration to be devised so society can benefit and leadership in be more effective and efficient.
If you wish to raise issues about this article or would like suggestions about resolving concrete situations please call Stephen Kendal-0406377047.
The functions of an executive have long been debated in management literature. In general there has been the perception that practical outcomes are the principal requirements of executive performance but there are limitations that must be factored in when considering executive performance in practical day to day management settings. For example many argue that the nature and limitations of an executive’s capacity are the most strategic general factors in human cooperation, the results of which depend on leadership, which is the key responsibility of an executive because excellent leadership by an executive leads to good and excellent performance and poor leadership poor and unsatisfactory outcomes.
The development of the capacity of executives to contribute in a highly effective manner in the work place (especially as leaders) is therefore one of considerable importance and deserving of significant resourcing and has become a priority for many in top management.
The Most Effective Management Development Practices
There is much published research and widely held practitioner opinion in developed countries that the following are the principal methods (which strongly rely on experienced based learning) currently relied on by organizations to develop executives: Job rotation External providers-business schools
Mentoring and Coaching
On-the job-experience
Action Learning Programs
The Requirements to Best Develop the Next Generation of Managers
Good quality research is needed if policy and practices to develop the future management capabilities of managers in the present workplace is to succeed. There should be an examination of the development issues underlying the enhancement of executive leadership capacities if future leadership competencies of executives are to meet the great challenges of this century. Questions such as the development of executive leadership in the wider domain of society that lie beyond organizations should also be undertaken to broaden the resulting benefits of effective leadership competencies where these can be identified.
Ideally there should also arise much more often contributions of seminal literature and research-especially that given the benefit of practitioner insight and experience by top managers. This will lead to improvements in leadership skills and capacity and remedy the deficiencies such as skill gaps of those required in the work place – a highly practical outcome for executives – and keenly sort after by those seeking to improve practical outcomes – which is the present and continuing focus of leadership and executive capacity enhancement strategies of successful organizations.
My name is Yingiya Guyula from Liya-dhalinymirr clan of the Djambarrpuy$B9,(Bu
People. I am a Yolngu Studies lecturer at University in Darwin
The intervention has only created problems in East Arnhemland communities
as well remote homeland centres. The Intervention has made our people more
frustrated and confused, the white man’s way of thinking is forced on us,
and forcing us to abandon our culture.
Government Ministers have flown into Arnhemland communities just for few
hours on the ground to gather a little bit of information, then they fly
back into cities thinking they know how to fix the problems in the
communities, thinking they know what’s best for us.
Governments only looked at the fringe camps and towns and wet areas where
people drink alcohol in places such as Nhulunbuy, Katharine, Tenant
creek, Jabiru Alice Spring and Darwin. White people see Aboriginal people in these places and think that these people that don$B!v(Bt care about life, who don$B!v(Bt care about living. But who
are they to judge them. They class all Aborigines the same, but they are
These white people and those bureaucrats do not go out to the East
Arnhemland communities, where my people live, where there has never been
alcohol, and these is no child abuse. There are Aboriginal people living
on remote communities of Arnhemland, in homeland centres, away from towns,
away from the binge drinking areas, poker machine and gambling venues.
These are people that are able to manage their funds and work, or want
work, educate, discipline, and practice ceremonies. Quarantining of centrelink payments should be optional and not compulsory. Quarantining might be ok for people living in town camps and cities, where alcohol and gambling is a problem, but it doesn$B!v(Bt work for my people
living on remote Arnhemland homelands where there is no gambling, no
alcohol and no child abuse.
We are asking simply for understanding that in life, their needs to be an
understanding between two cultures. There needs to be respect between
cultures. Mapuru homeland has a Coop store which won a National award for selling
healthy food. Centrelink won$B!v(Bt approve it to accept quarantined money.
This means an aircraft charter fight from the mainland homeland at Mapuru
to the closest shop on Elcho Island costs 560 dollars return. This means
it$B!v(Bs costing $560 return flight just to buy 150 dollars worth of food,
where$B!v(Bs the sense in that?
Arnhemland is like the European Union, made up of many different nations,
each clan-nation with their own language, each with it own national
estate. Bringing everybody in from the homeland centres into the major
settlements is not the right thing to do because people do not feel secure
or happy living in another mans land. Children are forced to go to school,
but really they do not feel safe and unsecure on other peoples$B!v(B land.
There are about 40 children who willingly run to school every day at
Mapuru homeland because it$B!v(Bs their home and they feel secure. Yet the
N.T. Government wants to close down the homeland schools and bring
everyone in to the major communities.
They think it$B!v(Bs not worth spending money on homeland schools who have 40
or more children freely, and with their own will attending school, but is
providing internet services, facilities and technology to white schools
with attendances as low as 5. The Education department provides computers
and internet and distance learning for hundreds of cattle station and
small schools, across the Northern Territory, but homeland schools are
Further more I would like say that these homelands are our homes. There is
no violence in the remote homeland communities, no child abuse happens, no
alcohol, no pornography, because out there in the bush is where the
cultural ceremonial grounds are, and from it is where strong discipline
comes through spirits of our fathers talking through the land.
Both the Commonwealth and the Northern Territory Governments hasn$B!v(Bt given
equal opportunity to us the First Australians to be able to exercise our
Through the intervention white man police stations have been put in the
major communities for dealing mostly with cultural conflict issues
(problems that can only be solved through traditional cultural justice),
but instead the white policeman force white man law onto us, disrespecting
our black fella law. They think they$B!v(Bve done the right think. But often
they$B!v(Bre only making it much worst by locking up senior leaders, the very
ones who are wise and keeping our Indigenous Law strong.
This time we are taking the case further where it can be heard loud and
clear by people whose ears, brains, feelings have a heart for Indigenous
Australians. It is now being taken further where there is an ear that will
We are taking it further, to the United Nations and will talk about the
intervention, about how income management in the Northern Territory has
had a devastating and debilitating impact on remote communities in
Finally, we need you to support us. We need you to tell governments that
we want the same opportunities as white people, to live and enjoy our own
cultural life, but they must stop trying to make us like whiteman, we have
our own cultural identity. Let us be who we are, and together we will have
hope for the future.
Australia and the United States are very close allies. The question of leadership in Australia in this
context is that it must firmly be anchored in the reality of what people think, believe and cherish because relations between Australia and the United States are at the center of Australian life. Indeed leaders in politics, business and community are constantly dealing with situations and issues in which these relations are immensely significant. It appears true that the two nations are becoming more and more alike. For example business and political leaders in both nations share the common and business world views. Periodically the similarities encourage some community commentators to speculate on Australia as a metaphoric 51st state of the union.
There is Often Common Ground on Ideas and Policy in the two Countries.
Increasingly in Australia debates about social, economic and cultural wars to free trade and corporate regulation appear to be converging with those of the USA. Consequently leadership texts and theories produced in the United States, which stretch commonsense boundaries, proliferate in Australia and the qualities of good leadership emphasizing diversity, cooperation, humility, respect, and community vision have become important in both countries. Also polling over decades shows that Australians have consistently regarded the ANZUS treaty (Australians strategic alliance with the United States) as important.
The Question of Iraq and Afghanistan
A clear majority of Australians feel Australia should not continue to be involved militarily in Iraq. Many are also ambivalent whether Australia’s military involvement in Afghanistan should continue. However the opinion that Australia should continue to help fight international terrorism is widespread.
The Nuclear Threat from Iraq
Most Australians think that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons and are therefore apprehensive and therefore support the use of economic sanctions as well as diplomatic efforts to stop Iran enriching uranium as necessary.
Australians, opinions about the US are favorable but there is a substantial body of negative opinion indicating a general awareness that much of the relationship with the United States should change even radically to be of further benefit to Australia
Irrfan Khan and Shah Rukh Khan in ''Billu Barber''.
Climax is worth the wait
By Rama Gaind
THE latest Bollywood film to be screened in Canberra is titled ‘Billu Barber’.
Set in a north Indian village, it tells the story of a village barber, a man of principles, living a simple life and struggling to make ends meet.
He is not prepared to give up his proud values even though it means that his two children can no longer go to school or that his livelihood is being threatened.
As Billu struggles to make ends meet, a film unit comes to the village of Budbuda to shoot a futuristic film. Enter its superstar Sahir Khan – who is Bollywood’s real megastar – Billu’s childhood buddy.
Once the news spreads, the villagers begin to look on Billu with respect. When the locals coax him to arrange a meeting with Sahir, he reluctantly tries to contact the star, but fails.
Director Priyadarshan and writer Mushtaq Sheikh heavily emphasise the stardom and importance of Sahir which is already established. As a result, the characters are not deeply etched and we do not get a concise picture of Billu, his family or the villagers who are responsible for disrupting his life.
‘Billu Barber’ is oddly stolid and lacks passion with everyone simply going through the motions of acting. The film pays homage to Shah Rukh Khan.
In the lead role as Billu is Irrfan Khan and his dutiful wife is played by Lara Dutta.
Irrfan is the real star of this film: his role as a humble and penniless barber wins you over.
The second half gathers momentum and the climax, when the two friends finally meet, is worth the long wait.
In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the colourful musical extravaganza with Sahir displaying some toe-tapping dance moves in three item songs with such glamorous stars as Kareena Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone.
This one is for die-hard Shah Rukh Khan fans only!
Late last week Calwell High School students responded well above their numbers by raising nearly $1000 through holding a ‘mufti’ day and throwing wet sponges at their teachers.
Most of the school was involved during lunchtime with students being invited the day before to come to school with at least a gold coin donation and then they were given permission to have a uniform free day.
In a twist that saw 3 teachers get soaked to raise money to support those affected by the Victorian bushfires, if students brought $5 or more, they got a sponge which they could soak with icy cold water and throw it at a teacher behind a wooden barrier with a hole cut out for their head.
Claire Reimann, one of the two Fusion Chaplains at Calwell High, funded by Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the National School Chaplaincy Program since the end of 2007 said the idea only came the day before.
“I was talking with the schools pastoral care coordinator and suggested that we invite the students to respond to the victims of the Victorian bushfires with a uniform free day. They checked with the Vice Principal who straightaway said yes, and then said lets do it tomorrow!”
“The idea to invite students to give $5 so they could throw a dripping wet sponge came from another teacher who had heard how successful it had been done before. We thought it would add some excitement to the day, and help build fun between teachers and students.”
And it sure did that. Over 200 of the 500 students in the school came out to the oval at lunchtime to be part of the sponge throwing or witness it.
“I was very proud of the generosity and response of the students. Our young people care more deeply than we often give them credit. The bushfires are a tragedy and our young people feel the pain and loss as well. They wanted to do their bit to support their Victorian mates.”
The funds raised will go to help the work amongst communities in fire ravaged Victoria and will be donated via the Commonwealth Bank appeal.
Fusion is an Australian grown international Christian youth and community organisation with centres in every state and territory and now over 10 other countries. They have Chaplains in 2 high schools in Canberra and have been supporting the Canberra community for over 30 years.
‘Changeling’ is an absorbing crime drama about an amazing real-life case from 1920s Los Angeles.
Angelina Jolie’s performance as a distraught mother Christine Collins who pursues justice is the mainstay of this film which has been directed by Clint Eastwood. Jolie is superb.
This is a retelling of the incredible tale of a single mother who returns home from work in 1928 and finds that her son has disappeared.
After the besieged LA Police Department find a boy, Collins’ declares that he is not her son. This stand incites contempt, threats and a demeaning campaign which aims at making a concerned mother appear negligent and crazy.
This story of corruption, accusation and loss is a touching one.
IN a Golden Globe-winning performance, Kate Winslet teams up (again) with Leonardo DiCaprio in ‘Revolutionary Road’.
Based on a novel by Richard Yates about an unhappy marriage, the film has been directed by Sam Mendes (‘American Beauty’)
Both Winslet and DiCaprio excel in their roles as Frank and April Wheeler.
DIRECTED sensitively by Stephen Daldry, ‘The Reader’ is based on the 1995 novel by German law professor Bernhard Schlink about innocence that’s lost in post-war Germany
It explores the difficulties of subsequent generations to comprehend the Holocaust by using an affair in the 1950s between a former concentration camp guard and a teenager half her ago.
Superbly acted by Kate Winslet, Kavid Kross and Ralph Fiennes.
Residents in New Delhi, the capital of India, have a fascination for shopping malls.
With a population of almost 14 million, this is one city that is not only buzzing with life and vigour, but it is also a city of opportunities. The property business is booming and newly-constructed world-class accommodation is available in satellite townships.
Delhiites have a natural passion for shopping. There are shopping malls, shopping complexes and markets in almost all areas of Delhi and the region. While complexes in Noida, Gurgaon and Faridabad – both for shopping and entertainment – have to be seen to be believed for modern conveniences, there are numerous multiplexes that will meet your every need.
Shopping malls dot the capital’s landscape. They have given a new dimension to the whole idea of shopping in and around Delhi. These one-stop malls are the window to the latest trends in fashion, food and other retail spheres.
CTC Mall in central Delhi is one example of an enjoyable shopping experience. Spread over three levels, you will be bemused for choice from heavily embellished saris, salwar kameez, lehengas and sherwanis best suited for bridal wear to ready-to-wear fashion tops, shawls, jewellery and other accessories for both men and women.
There are supermarkets and central stores to purchase grocery and home utility items. Food Bazaar is one such supermarket. Fresh dairy products can be purchased from the state-owned Mother Dairy. It has outlets in all residential areas. Imported furniture showrooms are abundant in south Delhi near the historic Qutab Minar. Other showrooms can be found in Noida, near Connaught Place in Panchkuian Road and in west Delhi at Kirti Nagar.
Home linen and furnishings can be bought from shopping malls or home furnishing retail outlets. Curtains can be bought as fabric or readymade. Brand-name clothes are as popular as sarees and salwaar kameez. While western outfits are commonplace, well-known labels are freely available, along with fabrics and readymade garments. Most of the stores have tailors and drapers so made-to-measure clothes can be whipped up in next to no time.
Markets are in abundance: there’s Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi, South Extension I and II, Connaught Place, Karol Bagh, Kamla and Khan Markets. Many have a preference for clothes at Janpath and Sarojini Nagar markets. Visiting emporiums for that extra special gift from various parts of India is also an enlightening experience.
Whether you indulge in impulsive buying, go on a fanatical shopping spree or are just a passive participant – just content with window shopping – the experience will be an exhilarating, though exhaustive, one!
There was a different kind of heat in Canberra city last night. The Burlesque Hour at the Street Theatre certainly pushed the envelope with its mix of saucy, sleazy and bizarre titbits (pardon the pun).
It seems that Canberrans have a thirst for a deviation from the humdrum. Young Goths sat alongside mature housewives and elderly couples were peppered throughout the audience. There was a distinct sense of anticipation—and while the start was a little slow (and late), the energy built consistently to an up-beat finish.
Transformed into a voyeur’s paradise with small tables packed together on the stage plus a full house in the auditorium, Street 1’s setup created the desired cabaret effect. While the stage tables offered an intimate aspect, the auditorium seats offered an uninterrupted view of the entire show.
The acts were varied: most were provocative and some aesthetically pleasing.
Each artiste brought her own unique energy to the show. Azaria Universe oozed feminine sensuality—with her elegant Butterfly Dance a nice relief from the more overt performances. Her costume for her Total Eclipse of the Heart gave a whole new meaning to the term ‘Pearl Necklace’.
Yumi Umiumare’s performances were invigorating and had the desired shock effect, particularly Mouth Piece, which showed a high degree of body mastery while at the same time triggering a slight level of repulsion. Her Kiss of the Serpent Warrior striptease was done with such precision and focus to be mesmerising.
Maude Davey’s Dairy Queen and Strawberry Trick certainly tested the boundaries.
Moira Finucane is the mistress of her domain, however. Two elements set her apart from her counterparts: her absolute familiarity with every inch (inside and out) of herself, which shows in the way she manipulates her body to exaggerated effect, and her enigmatic face, which can simultaneously appear classical and grotesque on cue.
It was wonderful to see REAL female forms, resplendent in all their bits and bumps, cellulite and sags that we ‘normal’ girls try to hide from the world. And not a Brazilian in sight—just as Mother Nature intended.
The stage crew must be mentioned—their fine attention to detail meant the transitions went smoothly (there was a lot of cleaning up required).
The Burlesque Hour was a wild and woolly ride driven along by a high energy soundtrack and enhanced by vibrant costumes. It drew the expected response, from bemusement to joy to unease—but no major shocks, no audience members leaving in indignation—in fact the audience ate it all up joyfully.
The token male Paul Cordeiro’s performance was the only let down. While his striptease was sensuous and fun, he stopped short of a full strip, which was disappointing. It wasn’t that I was out for a peek at some stranger’s manhood, but I felt that as the women didn’t hold back during their performances—I can certainly tell you what they had for breakfast—it seemed out of place that the only male performer wouldn’t do the same.
Nonetheless, the Burlesque Hour is engrossing to say the least, and something to talk about for some time to come.
To get the year underway we are offering two options:
Indoor Sites are still only $25 (table hire is available at $5 each or you are welcome to bring your own)
Outdoor Sites are by donation (whatever is raised from the outdoor sites will go to whomever is hosting the fundraising BBQ – at this stage Tuggeranong Girl Guides)
For newcomers and for regulars as a reminder please also find below some general info about us for your reference:
We are community market held the last Sunday of each month – our first market for 2009 will be Sunday Feb 22
The market is held at the Tuggeranong Community Centre right on Lake Tuggeranong (the building next to McDonalds)
Being a Sunday there is free parking all around the building (you can park down the side of the building, in front and across from the building)
Stallholders have access to set up from 8.45-9am on market day to be ready by 10am when the market is open to the public
We are open until 2pm (stalls must remain in place until that time)
You can pre-pay for your site and go in the draw to win a months site fee’s for free or can pay on the day
We have a monthly newsletter that is available from our website and from the market each month
Stallholders are welcome to send through articles and profiles about their product/service for the website and newsletter (photo’s & graphics also welcome)
The stallholder must ensure presentation standards are of the highest quality (boxes & bags etc must be kept neatly out of sight)
All sites must be operated in a safe manner and most of all
Stallholders must enjoy themselves :0)
Our aim is to provide an enjoyable, comfortable and “community” experience for stallholders and visitors
ALLIED PICKFORDS is arranging to transport any Canberra donations of clothing, toys, tinned food, furniture due to the tragedy with the bushfires in Victoria. Many of us lived through this 6 years ago, and can imagine not having any possessions except the clothes on your back.
The community support for Canberra from around Australia was incredible at the time – and we should now help Victoria.
If you have a spare ANYTHING – get it to Queanbeyan. The Allied Pickfords Depot is at 184 Gilmore Road, Queanbeyan – just go along Canberra Avenue past DFO and Gilmore Road is only a few kilometres away. The transportation is happened regularly – so there is not a cut off time.
If you can packed things into boxes, it will help. Please spread the word.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions has today expressed its sadness and condolences at the tragic loss of more than 100 lives in the bushfires that swept Victoria over the weekend.
Unions have pledged at least $250,000 and are asking other union members and supporters to donate to the Red Cross Appeal, and to let us know of their pledge. (see attached media release) Australian Unions stand ready to support members including emergency service personnel involved in fighting the fires in Victoria and elsewhere, the healthcare and government workers caring for the many thousands of people affected, the media workers who are covering the events as they are unfolding and countless others caught up in this horror.
Union members are encouraged to take up a collection in their workplace and to ensure that employers at least match whatever is raised.
We will keep a tally of donations from unions and any other offers of practical and financial help.
Information will be at
Call 1800 811 700 to make a credit card donation or log onto
The website is experiencing heavy traffic so please be patient if it takes a while to get through.
Please notify us on the email address below with your pledges. If you have any details about union members or activists who may be directly or indirectly affected and who require help, please contact
Clint Eastwood stars in, and directs, Gran Torino.
Films carry strong storylines
By Rama Gaind
MARKING his first film role since his Academy Award-winning ‘Million Dollar Baby’, Clint Eastwood directs and stars in ‘Gran Torino’ and again comes out a winner.
As a recently widowed Korean War veteran, Walt Kowalski is an unyielding, unapologetic racist who is (eventually) forced to confront his prejudices by new immigrant neighbours.
Kowalski is not shy when it comes to pulling out his Colt .45 or Army-issue M-1 Garand when the need arises. Eventually, his actions become more humane.
‘Gran Torino’ is about two things: nurturing a man’s better nature and accepting other nationalities in the community.
It can’t be helped, but Kowalski is drawn into the life of his neighbours, particularly Thao (Bee Vang), a teenage boy who is pressured to steal the prized Ford Gran Torino by a local Hmong gang.
He also likes Thao’s sister Sue (Ahney Her) who is not afraid to stand up for herself.
The film begins slowly, but when it picks up it is reminiscent of a Dirty Harry action film (in very slow motion) mingled with some ‘Unforgiven’-style of dialogue.
Clint proves that at 78, age is no barrier to achieving excellence.
ANOTHER movie worth watching is ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’.
Adapted by director David Fincher from a 1922 short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Brad Pitt in the title role is seen ageing in reverse.
Button is an osteophytic infant, an orphan, born 80 years old who grows younger instead of older.
If you get a sense of ‘Forrest Gump’ déjà vu don’t be alarmed. It’s not surprising as Eric Roth – who wrote the screenplay for that film – co-wrote Button’s adaptation.
Fincher (‘Se7en’) paints a creative, flourishing picture where together with Pitt, even Cate Blanchett gives a strong performance as Button’s life-long love interest.
In Cold Light is a sharp production that hits hard. I went thinking I would watch a murder mystery where we would all gasp at the end when we discovered who actually committed the crime; I came away with the compulsion to reassess the basic premises that are the foundation of my own life.
This very clever script spits out one moral dilemma after another at lightning speed and forces the audience to explore and question its own morals, ethics, religiosity, and capability for forgiveness and faith.
Ley has used the one act play format to good effect. With no interval to allow the mounting tension to escape, the audience is taken on a 1 hour 25 minute journey that demands resolution.
Ley’s writing has a temerity about it that yields a powerful response. And it certainly helps that the calibre of the acting drives his points home.
With only a fleeting glimpse of Hannah Ley as Maria at the very end, the burden of keeping the audience engaged is left to just two actors.
Brilliant casting with Jarrad West as Father Christian Lamori. West’s skill as an actor pulls us in as we are witness to the unravelling of this at first, self-assured dignatory, hiding behind a tenuous bravado. The risks he takes as an actor pay off, so much so that we can feel compassion for this man who we think has done the unthinkable.
Ley’s laconic Inspector is the perfect counterpoint for West’s priest and his propensity for brutality throws us off the scent. The two actors are evenly matched and fit comfortably together, particularly in the more physical scenes.
It says much about a script when it can stand on its own without distractions, and director Duncan Driver’s stark set and economic use of lighting add to the intentionally claustrophobic feel of the play. The lighting transition in the last scene is particularly powerful.
This play is currently in development to be made into a feature film and its easy to see why, as it works on so many levels. It is refreshing to see a well-crafted, provocative work produced to such a high standard by a local, fledgling theatre company.
Congrats to Stephen Pike at the Q for starting off its season with such a bang!