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Honouring you and your memories

If this was your Grandfathers it would mean something to you.



This maybe a strange notion at first but not to Moonlights, the newly created Canberra business that is honoring peoples lives by bringing their memories to life. Read on and see if you can relate to what Moonlights is offering the people of Canberra and region.

Despite a greater awareness and trend toward a slower life, many of us still lead lives that do not allow us to just – be. We don’t engage with others and ourselves in a way that encourages reflection and sharing on a level our parents and their parents experienced.

Even if we do have time, our response to improving technologies makes us think we don’t. Many of us succumbing to the shallow, yet powerful, habits of emails, mobiles and the internet.

These changes of lifestyle, and the busyness of the mind that goes with them, directly impact the amount of emotional time given to decisions on how to honour our past, our families and our passions.

Our memories deserve, now more than ever, to be honoured in more creative, engaging ways. Digital technology allows us to do so.

Creative audio visual stories of our lives and passions evoke deep emotions that may not usually be expressed or felt. The images, music and sound can be mixed in beautiful ways to reflect the person or people being celebrated.

See Slideshow Alley ( Don’s HR Holden)

In an age of increasing complexity we seek more simplicity.
Below are two examples that reflect the increasing importance of honoring our memories now.

Many of us have spent our school holidays and our children’s at Grandparents houses. They provide some of the best memories for many of us and a part of us expect the home to always be there.

With greater pressures on finances and the urgency surrounding real estate, houses can be sold within days of a Grandparents death.
Often, if there is a remaining partner, they will move to another smaller home. Many of the household items are sold off, given away or kept in the family. Still, these ‘ things’, these symbols of life are no longer in the environment that they were when the memories were created.

The opportunity for reflection whilst walking around the garden you so fondly remember playing in has gone. You can’t show your children their Great Grandparents home anymore, and as great as your shared stories are, they would surely be enhanced if you had a visual record. Not just the people photos, but the photos of the objects, symbols and scenes that showed your Grandma’s life in its best light.

The same goes for our farmers. A generational farm can be gone in days due to bank foreclosures or a drought forcing a very tired family to move on with a mood of high stress and sadness. All of a sudden it’s gone. What’s left are the oral stories and mostly people pictures of friends and family enjoying there time there.

The rusty tractor is left in the paddock, the vege patch goes to seed, the favourite tree that was thought to be there forever cut down. And on it goes.

The farming family and extended family and friends deserve to be able reflect later in their lives on the life they once had there and how important it was to who they are now.

These are just two examples that highlight how the changing world can change the way we react to our own lives. Whilst they have a sadder edge to them the opportunity exists to celebrate more of what once was.

Many other aspects of our lives can be honoured in more creative and mindful ways. Here are a few examples:

• A year of sporting highlights for your 8 year old.
• A day in the life of……
• A chronicling of your house being built.
• A child’s birthday party ( so you can enjoy it later )
• A representative club trip away. For you or the whole group/team. ( See how amateur photos can be given new life in a at Slideshow Alley (Canberra Indoor Cricket Rep match in QLD )
• The old holden. ( OK or Ford )
• A chronicling of a child from birth to ? age.
• The growing garden slide show sent to the owners who are posted overseas.

These are just a few of many, many ways of honouring our lives.
Recently a Canberra based business, Moonlights, owned and operated by Dane Tannahill, was created to specialise in creating custom DVD slide shows for the people of Canberra and region.
The idea came from a slide show he did of his Nana’s home on the day of her passing 4 years ago. On that day Dane found himself paying attention to things he previously hadn’t’t noticed. Now they did matter. He took photos of as many objects and scenes as he could.
Thankfully, all of Danes family can now look back fondly at their Nana’s home and share stories with great grandchildren as the images and music flow back to their hearts. You can view the original slide show by clicking here.

Moonlights is about bringing your memories to life in a sensitive, engaging and authentic manner.

If you can relate to this article then please visit the Moonlights website now to see how you and those you love can be honoured, now and forever.


Spring is in the air – Book your Tuggeranong Indoor Market stall now

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air!

birds are chirping

blossoms are flowering

Spring into action and book your stall NOW for our


Welcome to Spring Market

Tuggeranong Indoor Community Market

  • Tuggeranong Community Centre
  • Sunday September 28
  • 10am – 2pm

Fill in the Contact Us form telling what you sell/promote and your contact details so we can get back to you

Check out the Stallholder Info page for more info

Not sure where to find us see the Location page for maps

Cinderella on ice

Cinderella on Ice

The world-famous Imperial Ice Stars, who have won international critical acclaim with their previous tours of The Sleeping Beauty on Ice and Swan Lake on Ice, are set to thrill once more with their brand new production, Cinderella on Ice.

More than two million people across five continents, from London to Sydney, Toronto to Cape Town and Moscow to Tokyo, have been swept to their feet by The Imperial Ice Stars’ adrenaline-infused performances.

Canberra audiences will experience this dazzling display of skating brilliance from 23 Olympic, World, National and European Championship skaters. The Imperial Ice Stars are renowned for their unique brand of innovative skating and story-telling, as they continue to break new ground in the genre of ice dancing with daring feats never seen before – and all performed in the intimacy of a frozen theatre stage.

Cinderella on Ice has been conceived and choreographed by Tony Mercer, widely regarded as the world’s leading creator of theatre on ice. The production boasts lavish sets from one of Australia’s leading scenic designers, Eamon D’Arcy and glorious costumes from Albina Gabueva, head designer at Moscow’s famed Stanislavsky Theatre.

Venue: Canberra Theatre
Duration: 145 minutes including interval
A Reserve
Full: $79.00
Concession/Child: $69.00*
Group (10+): $65.00**
Family (4 Tickets): $199***

From Thursday, 18 September 2008 to Sunday, 28 September 2008 – Tickets from Canberra Theatre

Christian concerns under the spotlight at 'Make it Count ACT'


Neither major party in the ACT is looking to further liberalise the territory’s surrogacy laws, according to commitments given to Christians at ‘Make it Count ACT’ last night (Sept 15). 

 Both parties committed to put more money into dental health, to engage in community consultation and to help the disadvantaged. They also hinted at announcements with regard to non-government schools later in the election campaign and said that they would not, as parties, move to introduce euthanasia laws if elected (even if this is made permissible federally) as this is a conscience issue requiring a private member’s bill.

 Despite turbulent weather and black-outs in parts of Canberra, around 650 Christians turned out to Llewellyn Hall in Acton last night to hear from ACT Attorney General Simon Corbell and ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja at ‘Make it Count ACT’.

 Christian leaders from a wide range of denominations also questioned the two leaders on issues ranging from family breakdown and job opportunities for unskilled young people to marriage and the rights of the child.

 Under questioning about a review of ACT legislation to see if it is in “the best interests of the child”, Mr Seselja said he would have to discuss this with his colleagues but thought that something along these lines might be possible.

 Questioned on what values and ethics their parties were based on, Mr Corbell said that, for Labor, the quest has always been one of tackling disadvantage and that they see disadvantage as having an economic basis. Mr Seselja said that the Liberal Party fundamentally starts with a belief in the inherent worth and freedom of every individual, while also believing that there are some in the community who need a helping hand.

 ACL Managing Director Jim Wallace said last night’s event was an important opportunity for the ACT’s Christian constituency to raise issues of concern to Christians and have greater input into the future direction of the territory.

 “We appreciate the strong support shown for the event by a wide range of denominations and churches in Canberra. The large turnout despite the bad weather conditions shows once again that Christians are committed to seeing the good governance of the ACT. The event would also have assisted Christians in making an informed vote at the upcoming ACT election.”

Our Own Political Soap Opera (Opinion Piece)


My, hasn’t the political arena been interesting lately? From an outsiders perspective it seems like our very own version of government Bold and the Beautiful. First there was the surprise election in WA, followed by the so called “bloodbath” in NSW resulting in a new premier and his mostly under-experienced cabinet been handed the difficult task of cleaning up the mess left by Morris Iemma.

Now, not only do we have a new WA premier and a sparkling new Liberal-National partnership, but we also have a new leader of the opposition. News straight from Liberal headquarters says that Malcolm Turnbull defeated Dr Nelson 45-41 in a surprise ballot called by the former opposition leader just after his jet-lagged rival returned from Italy.

Despite speculation early this morning that Dr Nelson might just scrape by, in hind-sight it’s easy to say that this change is probably for the better. Since before the last federal election, Mr Turnbull has been slowly coming more and more into the public eye and the Liberal party obviously hopes this will put an end to the never-ending leadership question. That is, until Peter Costello comes into the spotlight again.

Now we must all wait to see whether the new Opposition Leader will be able to turn around the last poll showing Dr Nelson trailing far behind Kevin Rudd 16 per cent to 62 per cent as preferred Prime Minister. The PM reckons he can, saying that, with the easing of all that tension that has been building over the last few months, a surge in the opinion polls is “a normal thing”.

From a voters point of view I really don’t think the PM should be worried. Putting aside the fact that he has been described as one of our most popular Prime Ministers (with his time in office still in its infancy); consistent opinion polls show that the Liberals have some catching up to do.

Putting weight behind that argument is the wonderfully lazy way in which Australians seam to choose their leaders. It seems that we elect one major party into power and leave them there for a good 7, 10 or even for 26 years. The other major political party more or less holds all the state governments and then once a decade or so, we switch!

One interesting point the change of leadership does bring up is the question of an Australian republic. Rudd says that Turnbull has long been an advocate of the change and bipartisan support is needed to get it happening. If true that means we could all be in for a bigger change than your average switch-the-state-governments-over swap, although the wonderful thing about democracy is that the public gets to shelve that plan if we don’t want to say goodbye to the mother country just yet.

One certainty is that we are all in for an action-packed show over the next few months.


Invisible Children of Uganda


My name is Chris Inglis and I am a student at Erindale college but am also a simple story teller who has been forced to put education aside in order to rise up and introduce a story, a story that is so hard to tell but is even harder to hear.
At the beginning of last year at Caroline Chisholm High School, many year Ten English classes watched a movie called ‘Invisiable Children’ which was based around the daily tortures faced by the youth of Uganda and surrounding countries, the tortures of becoming a Child Soldier. Watching this movie infuriated me so much that I saw only one option to undertake, i needed to tell the story of the Child Soldier to the rest of my school and to my wider community. After my English class i had maths and that is when i decided the best way to get our voices heard was by through petition form and send it to The House of Representatives, I formed a small group which met with the SRC of the high school and motivated them to include our school to raise funds for these children or even support unicef. We met with our local member of parliament, Annette Ellis, many times in which we expressed our thoughts that Australia was not doing all it could to stop this form of cruelty from continuing, Miss Ellis agreed with us and we found ourselves represented in parliament by her. I met with Senator Humphries and Senator Lundy and got their support. I then travelled to Frankston, Victoria and met with the lord mayor Allistair Wardle, we both appeared on the local radio station showing our grave conern for these children, if I hadnt left Frankston when I did I would have appealed to the local paper supported by the Mayor. When I arrived back in Canberra I met with Annette Ellis once more and found out that my petion had just been sent to the newly appointed standing commitee for petitions, i was so excited and to top that I was about to meet with Mr Bob McMullan to discuss aid being sent to Uganda and surrounding nations. On monday the first of September I was the first person in history to be invited to appeal to the standing commitee for petitions, I delivered a speech to all members and to representatives from the department of Foreig Affairs, and recieved a response directly from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Stephen Smith, I was also recorded by Hansard and appeared on television expressing my views and answered some questions, i was introduced to the leader of the opposition Brendon Nelson and he expressed his congradulations towards what i was doing and noted it as being highly commendable.

I now ask for The Word, s help to appeal to the people of Canberra by getting the story out there, this story if told correctly could re-introduce our old ways of standing up for the little guy and protecting what is right, which in this case are children and the future of an entire country. Politions are all ready aware of this I have brought it up enough times all it takes is for the Australian Community to speak up, you can help spread the word about this monstrosity and be the trigger of the people. Please help us speak up and stop this evil from continuing.

Sincerely Yours,

Chris Inglis
[email protected]

P.S please feel free to look up my speech to the commitee of petitions.

Salvo's Hope Line to Help Reduce Rates

The Salvation Army''s Hope for Life campaign logo

A new national 24 hour Hope Line was launched by the Salvation Army as part of their “Hope for Life” campaign to cut suicide rates and help us all spot the signs of depression.

The “Hope for Life” campaign also includes training programs for professionals as well as online training for individuals. Written by clinical psychologist Dr Paul Quinnett, the OPR (question, persuade, refer) program will show anyone – in less than one hour – how to spot the signs that someone around them may be considering suicide.

Salvation Army Envoy Alan Staines, who was awarded a Medal for the Order of Australia (OAM) for his work in this field, says that it is vital suicide prevention becomes everybody’s business.

“This is a major problem in Australia and it’s not going away. There were 1799 suicides in Australia in 2006. That’s 1799 too many. We can all do more. We must.”

Statistics show that one Australian commits suicide every 5 hours and that more people lose their lives to suicide than road accidents.

The Salvation Army says that the Hope line is for anyone who has been affected.

“In real terms for each tragic death another 8 people are often affected which means the ripple affect leads to around 16,000 Australians being affected buy suicide.” Mr Staines says.

Joseph Pizzolo lost his son Paul to suicide. “We all need to take this issue very seriously. If someone around you is talking about suicide in any way, listen to them. Offer advice and assistance before it’s too late” He says.

Warning signs include expressions of hopelessness, threats, talk or jokes about suicide, sudden mood swings, giving away possessions, withdrawal from family or friends, a change in sleeping patterns, excessive feelings of guilt or worthlessness and increased use of alcohol or drugs.

Mental Illness plays a major role in suicide related deaths but the Chair of the National Advisory Council on Suicide Prevention, Professor Ian Webster, says many other factors contribute too.

“Life problems can include – a mental disorder; a problem with alcohol or substance use; a breakdown in important relationships with a spouse or children; or a perceived failure in social roles; in essence major losses.” He says.

The Salvation Army hope that the campaign will help dispel common myths about suicide.

“There are far too many myths about suicide. It’s a myth to think only experts can prevent it. It’s a myth to think people who talk about suicide will not do it. It’s a myth to think you cannot stop suicide from happening. It’s a myth to think suicidal people only want to die. Many want to live a better, happier life. What they are saying is that they need help and relief from the intense emotional pain they are experiencing ” says Mr Staines.

Former ABC Journalist and media personality Sally Loane lost her brother to suicide and has spoken about her experiences in support of the campaign.

“The night I learned my brother John had taken his life, I dreamed about him. He was trying to talk to me in the dream and walk towards me, but it was one of those dreams where time was frozen, and neither of us could speak or touch. I woke up crying.”

“This was the beginning of a terrible new day when I no longer had a younger brother
who could entertain us with stories of his life as a vet, flying planes into remote north
Queensland properties to work with the cattlemen of the bush. It was also the start of a long and painful process of grieving for my mother, father and sister. There was no more John, no more brother, no more only son. We have precious memories and photographs, and the raw pain has faded with the years but there is no forgetting and certainly no "getting over it".”

If you need help please contact the Hope Line on 1300 467 354.

The Salvation Army website, www.suicideprevention.salvos.org.au, also contains details of agencies people can ring for support, as well as how to support someone affected by suicide.

Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking


There is so much publicity about smoking and how bad it is for you.  Certainly, you’ve seen the advertisements on TV about what happens when you smoke but did you know that you can experience benefit almost immediately when you stop smoking?

For example, after only 20 minutes from the time you quit smoking, your blood pressure and pulse rate decreases and the temperature of hands and feet increases.  This means that your heart slows down and your circulation improves almost immediately.


Within approximately 8 hours from the time you stop smoking, the carbon monoxide level in the blood returns to normal and the oxygen levels in the blood increase.  Your body can breath easier.

After 1 day of not smoking, the chance of heart attack decreases and within 2 days the nerve endings adjust to the absence of nicotine and the ability to taste and smell begins to return.  Your body really does start to repair itself – can you imagine being able to taste food again?

Your body will test test 100% nicotine-free after 72 hours from the time you stop smoking.  Over 90% of all nicotine metabolites will have passed through your normal bodily functions.  Most importantly, your bronchial tubes will relax.

You will find that your exercise tolerance and circulation improves within 2 to 3 weeks and that your lung function improves by up to 30%.  You can breath better and more easily.

And there is more –

After 1-9 months:
Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease.  The Cilia in your lungs regrow which increases the ability of the lungs to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection. You will find your overall energy level increases.

After 1 year:
The risk of dying from heart disease decreases to 50% of a lifelong smoker’s risk. 

After 5-15 years:
The risk of a Stroke is reduced to the same level as that of a nonsmoker.

After 10 years:
The risk of dying from lung cancer drops to almost the same rate as a lifelong NON-smoker. The risk of other cancers, such as cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.

After 15 years:
The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker’s.

What this is telling us is that your body will repair itself and you can reduce the risks of heart disease and cancer to the same as those of a non-smoker.

It really is in your best interest to stop smoking today.



About The Author:

Charly Leetham is an Internet Marketer who helps assists solopreneurs and small business take their business online.  Charly has recently assisted Dr Sally Witt from Pennsylvania, USA to launch her Stop Smoking In 21 Days Or Less product.

More information on how you can stop smoking today, including a free EBook, can be found at http://stopsmokingwithdrsally.com/

In her free EBook, Dr Sally also offers a number of other free resources that you can use so you can stop smoking today.




Ladies In Business Today – You Can Have It All….

Ladies In Business Today - Having It All

Are you a woman who is trying to build your business online, or use the Internet to do business?  Are you a Work At Home Mum? Or perhaps you are thinking about starting a business? 

Are you trying to market to women and just not certain how to ‘break into’ that market?

I would like to invite you to join me, Charly Leetham and my associate Carol Deckert as we interview and speak with 8 highly successful and amazing Ladies In Business to find out how they have managed to balance their Work and Home life to be incredibly successful.

Our aim is to encourage other women in their business endeavors and demonstrate that it is possible to succeed when trying to balance the different demands that Women have in their lives.  We also want to give insight into the women’s market and highlight the factors that drive our purchasing decisions.

Each of the Women we will interview have vastly different businesses and they will join us in the hot seat and share their experiences, knowledge and advice with our listeners.

If you have heard any of my interviews previously will know that I don’t do a standard Q & A interview. I dig deep and ask my interviewee to give something that they haven’t previously revealed. These interviews promise to be fun and information packed and you will walk away with your head swimming full of ideas!

Just look at our speaker line up:

– Sharon Tieman (Australia) – Madame Marketing and author of "If I’m So Successful, How Come I Never Get To Be On Top?"

– Robbie Motter (USA) – Speaker, Coach, Public Relations and Marketing Specialist and expert in the Government marketplace

– Donna Cutting (USA) – Author of "The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Red Carpet Customer Service"

– Paula Constantino (USA) –  Founder of Women’s Support TEAM

– Lynn Terry (USA) – Internet Marketing Expert and Work At Home Mum

– Heidi Richards (USA) – Author, Business Coach & Entrepreneur

– Felicia Slattery – Teacher, Trainer, Speaker, Writer, Consultant & Coach who specializes in training busy professionals to succeed through effective communication.

– Janet Beckers –  The Wonderful Web Woman, started her business from nothing in just 8 weeks and exceeded her previous years full time income in six months!

Each of these women will be sharing how they have met the challenges of developing a successful business and balanced their ‘outside’ life in the meantime. They will provide practical advice that you can implement almost immediately on how you can manage your business to be successful (but not worn out!)

Carol and I also want to find out what each these amazing women feel and think about marketing to women in this day and age and what they would do to change it!

We chose to interview these women because they are successful in their chosen arenas and are reaping the rewards as a result…. We are honoured they agreed to participate and want you to get the benefit as well.

We will be opening the lines up to a Question and Answer session – so you will be able to get the answers that you have always been looking for!

Find out how you can listen LIVE for free….


The first interview is this week – September 16 with Madame Marketing followed on September 17 by Robbie Motter.

Register now and you will receive updates and notices to remind you about the series.

And you can listen for FREE – all you need to do is register and you will get the full details.

Can you really afford to miss this information?


for more information about the series and how you can listen LIVE for free!

Canberra web site makes booking travel easier

Travellers get a free meal with their hotel deal with RoomRates.com.au

Canberra-based website RoomRates.com.au is gaining on its competitors in the cyber world by providing extra incentives to its customers when they book their accommodation online. 

RoomRates.com.au is the latest brainchild of successful Canberra entrepreneur Robert Leticq, whose ACT Tourism Award-winning Privileges Card launched in 1991 is used by tens of thousands of Australians to access fantastic deals at leading leisure and entertainment venues.

“RoomRates.com.au is the only known web site to provide a dining incentive with every booking (hotel deal with a free meal) and it is the only known web site that donates part of its profits to leading charities that find shelter for people in need (donate a bed when you book ahead)”, says Leticq.

Users say the site is clean and clutter free, simple to use and easy to navigate.

With a range of 45,000 hotels in 120 countries to choose from, and the ability to take advantage of a ‘lowest rate guarantee’ for last minute bookings, plus the free main meal deal at quality restaurants in a growing number of cities, RoomRates.com.au is fast becoming the popular online booking site.


Access the site via www.RoomRates.com.au

Australian War Memorial

Australian War Memorial

The Australian War Memorial offers the opportunity for all Australians to experience a significant part of history and nationhood.


It is open daily. Entry is free, although donations are encouraged to assist in maintaining the collection.

Must sees:

Colonial Conflicts
First World War 1914-1918
Second World War 1939-1945
Conflicts 1945 to today
The dioramas
The Hall of Valour
Aircraft Hall
The Discovery Zone

Special places:

The entrance and commemorative courtyard
The Hall of Memory
The Tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier
The Sculpture Garden

Joined In Life and Death: The first recorded gay couple

Illustration from photograph ©1999 Greg Reeder

Four millennia before the Californian Supreme Court overturned its ban on same-sex marriage and Ellen DeGeneres wed her girlfriend Portia de Rossi, two manicurists of Ancient Egypt won social acceptance for their homosexual relationship.

Since the Tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep was discovered in 1964 in the Necropolis of Saqqara at Memphis on the West bank of the Nile, debate has raged as to what relationship they shared as it is extremely rare to find two men of equal status buried together.

The key to this mystery lies in the Wall paintings covering the inside of the tomb,
which show the two men repeatedly pictured together, sometimes holding hands, sometimes with their arms around each other. In two of these murals they are shown with noses touching, the most intimate embrace permitted in Egyptian art at the time.

Although the tomb has been studied, very little has been written about it. A fact Egyptologist Greg Reeder, a contributing editor to the Egyptology Journal KMT, is planning on changing.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Mr Reeder said Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep adopt poses which are strikingly similar to male-female married couples on other tombs of that era. “Same-sex desire must be considered as a probable explanation,” he said, though he admits it is impossible to be sure. “We can only say for certain that the carvings show a profound intimacy between the two men, and the people who built the tomb were possibly unsure how to portray this.”
Opponents say that Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep could have been twins, conjoined twins or blood relatives, such as brothers, because of the similarities between the two names.

“The danger is that people want to find positive (homosexual) images in the past and it is very hard for modern European eyes to resist seeing the images as homoerotic,” Richard Parkinson, assistant keeper in the department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum, said to The Sunday Times. “I doubt myself that this is one of them, simply because we have no other evidence of male-male relationships being commemorated.”

Niankhkhnum means “joined in life” and Khnumhotep means “joined to the blessed state of the dead”. Together the names can be translated as “joined in life and joined in death” and although it was not unheard of for Egyptians to change their names later in life, the two men also share the same title, “Overseer of Manuscripts to the Pharaoh”. As such they were responsible for the Pharaoh’s hands and among the privileged few allowed to touch the ruler.

Even though Niankhkhnum was known to be married, the hieroglyphs that tell their stories still fail to mention their relationship. In a scene where the two men share a final banquet before their journey into the afterlife, Niankhkhnum’s wife has been plastered over and Khnumhotep’s spouse fails to make an appearance at all.

Mr Reeder said that in this banquet scene, Khnumhotep occupies the place normally associated with wives and that hints of homosexual relationships, commonplace in ancient Greece and Rome, have been found in Egyptian Papyruses.

“Same-sex desire existed just behind the ideal façade constructed by the ancients” he stated at a speech in Dallas in 1998, noting that it is often difficult to find the right words to talk about sexuality in ancient times “…Gay’ is too loaded. ‘Homosexual is too modern, so you have to speak in terms of their relationship to one another” He said.

Although their ancient ancestors were known for their sexual customs, which included incest to keep the royal blood pure, current Egyptian laws that ban any homosexual activity, have made it impossible for gay tourist operators to target the site.

Thomas Dowson, an independent scholar formerly at Manchester University, told The Sunday Times: “I have absolutely no problem if we have evidence of same-sex unions in the past that is used to challenge the homophobia of our society today, though that doesn’t mean we play fast and loose with the data.”

The tomb was restored by German Archeologists in the late 1970’s, opened to the public in 1990 and ever since has attracted a lot of gay tourists.

“I think it is beautiful, but if it became too big, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Egyptian authorities closed it down,” Dowson said.

Monsters create drama!


Canberra Youth Theatre is enrolling now for two action packed school holiday drama workshops.

Who: 7-9 year olds           
What: MONSTER MAGIC is perfect for you if you want to create  your own monster. Play games and let your imagination fly as you develop characters and tell stories in a magical  monster world that you will create. There will be a short performance at the end of the week.
Where:  C Block Theatre, Gorman House, Braddon
When:   10am-3pm
 29 September- 3 October 2008
Cost:*      $230.00/child (member) $245.00/ child (non member)
 *Sibling/friend discount available
What to Bring:   Snacks, Lunch & a Drink Bottle (no access to shops)
What to Wear: Warm clothes you can Muck Up in.
Who: 10-12 year olds
What: This workshop will get you moving as you play games, create characters and explore the art of  storytelling using martial arts, body percussion and creative movement.
There will be a short performance at the end of the week.
Where:   C Block Theatre, Gorman House, Braddon
When:   10am-3pm
 7-10 October 2008
Cost:*   $185.00/child (member) $200.00/child (non member)
 *Sibling/friend discount available
What to Bring:Snacks, Lunch & a Drink Bottle (no access to shops)
What to Wear:   Warm clothes you can Muck Up in.
For enrolments or more information contact [email protected] or call 6248 5057 www.cytc.net  

Socialist Alternative meetings


 Socialist Alternative meets every Thursday at 6 pm in Room G 52 of the Haydon Allen Building ANU.  The meeting on Thurs 11 September is an educational on Trade Unions.

Reading Diane Fieldes ‘From exploitation to resistance and revolt: the working class’ Tom Bramble ‘Managers of discontent


Visit www.sa.org.au or email canberra @sa.org.au