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Woman Walks for Your Future

Stina Kerans Walks Her Talk

By Shanna Provost

“I am walking for every man, woman and child—for their future. I don’t know how else to shock people out of their inertia about where we are headed if we don’t make drastic changes to urban development.” Stina Kerans

You may feel you’re doing your bit by recycling and taking shorter showers–you may even have a worm farm for your scraps, but that’s simply not enough action to ensure our future.

The signs that drastic change is needed NOW are all there, and still we let developers create urban wastelands that only perpetuate our environmental problems.

One Canberra woman is so frustrated with the lack of real action by communities, councils and government that she is willing to walk as far and as long as it takes to shock our complacent society into action to do things NOW to ensure sustainability.

In the past weeks she has walked around 60 kilometres–from Yass to Murrumbateman to Hall and around Canberra suburbs.

She will continue to walk until she gets the attention of the public and genuine investors, planners and developers who are willing to implement new ways of urban development.

“There is an urgent imperative to move our cities and suburbs towards a new configuration of sustainable, human-scale, energy-conscious colonies of connected business/farming enterprises and consumers”, says Ms Kerans.

Recognised internationally for their work in sustainability, Stina and Garry Kerans see the creation of sustainable urban development locally as an opportunity for the region to showcase the viability of sustainable development.

“Our design for living can help alleviate such social issues as depression, suicide, housing affordability, financial pressures and provide a support system for single parents and the elderly. If we care for each other the environment wins as well, because we care about the environment in which we live.”

Ms Kerans walks alone along the highway with a large sign strapped to her chest and back. She says that at first she feels embarrassed, but is willing to experience the humility to get her urgent message out.

People who want to learn more about sustainable development can fill in an Eco-Survey at www.eco-survey.com.au or attend a presentation by emailing [email protected].

Brain Gym Term 4 starts in October


Term 4 starts 20th October with classes held at Weston and Woden.

See the website at www.tinyurl.com/2nuzu5 (Currently showing Term 3, will be updated for Term 4 in September)

Enquiries to [email protected] for Woden, or phone 62055781

[email protected] for Weston, or phone 62056786

Classes are available in many subjects, including Computers, Languages, Cooking, Dancing, Exercise, Crafts, Personal Development.

New classes and teachers always needed. Contact on above email or phone numbers.

Planning is under way for Term 4, so if you have a class to offer or if you would like to take a class we are not currently offering, get in touch now.


Socialist Alternative


 Socialist Alternative meets every Thursday night at 6 pm in room G 52 of the Haydon Allen Building at the ANU.


The meeting on 4 September will discuss the German revolution: 1918 to 1923.


Email [email protected] or visit www.sa.org.au

Tuggeranong Indoor Community Market – How did it begin?

Where to find us - Tuggeranong Indoor Community Market

Tuggeranong friends with various craft businesses decided one day over a cuppa that they had suffered in the elements for too long to make market-going a pleasure and that’s where the idea to hold an indoor market in Tuggeranong came to fruition.

By holding the market on the last Sunday of each month, stallholders are able to fulfil their other commitments at other markets around the region. “We have been careful to choose dates that won’t interfere with other local markets as we are mindful that everyone needs a fair go”.

“We have been pleasantly surprised at the overwhelming response to our market and are working hard to make each month equally as rewarding for stallholders and buyers alike”.

Head to our:

You’ll find everything from hand-crafted cards, bags, prints, knitting, aromatherapy products, jewellery, baby items, jams, antiques, incense, candles, crystals, scrap-booking supplies, and so much more – plus enjoy a cuppa from the Jetty Café or grab breakfast from the sausage sizzle out the front of the centre (supporting Girl Guides).


Visit the market website for more info www.tuggeranongindoormarket.com.au


Avalon Essences - Asra Aromatherapy Incense


AVALON ESSENCES a Canberra home based aromatherapy business will be presenting Asra Aromas Aromatherapy Incense for the first time at the Tuggeranong Indoor Community Market this Sunday August 31

This aromatherapy incense range has been put together with a combination of essential oils and natural products to make it one of the best aromatherapy incenses around. Some of the incense blends that will be available include:

  • Harmony (Cypress)
  • Inspiration (Lemon Fir Balsam)
  • Meditation (Frankincense & Myrrh)
  • Relaxation (Lavender)
  • Spirituality (Patchouli & Vanilla)

For the full range visit the our Avalon Essences aromatherapy stall just inside the Main Hall

  • Tuggeranong Indoor Community Market
  • Tuggeranong Community Market (the building next to McDonalds)
  • Sunday August 31
  • 10am – 2pm

$10 000 Siganto Scholar Announced


L-R, Dr Bill Siganto, 2008 Siganto Scholar Carly Scoufos, and Marie Siganto. Photo: Sofie Ham

A very excited twenty-six year old Brisbane artist, Carly Anita Scoufos, was announced as the winner of the 2008 Siganto Travel Scholarship at an award ceremony held in Brisbane, QLD on Thursday 21 August 2008.

Managed by cultural development agency Artworkers Alliance, the $10 000 Siganto Travel Scholarship is a biennial bursary providing professional development opportunities through travel, open to emerging Australian visual artists, craft practitioners and designers.

“Made possible through the generous support of the Siganto Family, this important arts scholarship offers emerging Australian artists the opportunity to develop new skills, engage with artists and arts contacts overseas, and expand networking opportunities – a priceless opportunity!” Artworkers Program Director Kevin Wilson said of the Scholarship.

With her $10 000 Siganto Travel Scholarship, Carly will undertake a two month residency at Youkobo Art Space located in central Tokyo, Japan.

Building incredible hand woven and embroidered sculptural works, Carly will explore Japanese sculpture and traditional calligraphy through 3D design during her residency in Japan.

A First Class Honours Fine Arts graduate from Griffith University, Carly has been involved in a number of exhibitions around Brisbane, and in 2007 was awarded a Griffith University Medal for outstanding academic excellence.

Carly said of winning the Scholarship: “This is an extraordinary opportunity for me to participate in an overseas residency program.”

“Through the generous support of the Siganto Family, I’m presented with an exciting and completely fresh direction for my art practice, and the chance to immerse myself in a country and culture that I have long admired and dreamt of visiting.”

“I plan to gain experience, broaden my knowledge and grow tremendously both professionally and personally at this early stage of my career.”

Carly’s artwork is viewable online via www.carlyscoufos.com

Just like family

in the mud working hard

The most inspiring people are not the ones that are out the front, but they are the ones who lead naturally from behind, with the group. These are the leaders that live humbly for a cause and don’t feel the need to martyr themselves for a cause. I once was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend an inspiring time with one such person Norvan Vogt, called Olie by his friends. He was an Australian group leader from Canberra with the Youth Challenge International program in Costa Rica in 2003. He is the most inspiring individual I have ever met.

It was the first week into a 13 week long community development project to build a school in the remote Chiripo Mountains. There had been torrential downpour for two days. At about seven o’clock in the evening after everyone had finished their dinner; most of the team was going about their nightly tasks, when there came a knock at the door. The local doctor was standing there with a rain poncho on, soaking wet. He was quite anxious and explained to Norvan that we, the team of 15 volunteers, had to get evacuated because the town was soon to be inundated by a flash flood. The doctor explained that he would be back in the next five minutes with a truck and we were to be evacuated.

I don’t know if it was Norvan’s military training or scouting background but he swung into action immediately and told you exactly what to do. Gathering the team in the kitchen he explained exactly what was going to happen, he tasked everybody with a particular role, even though we had little time this really took the panic out of the group. Sending the female volunteers, the majority of the group, to go get their equipment first, he then divided up the other group tasks amongst the male volunteers. One of them was sent to the boy’s room to get all of the boys equipment packed. The other males were tasked with getting shelter and food and other equipment. Once the truck turned up he sent the other group leader Laura, onto the truck first so that she could coordinate things at the truck.

The girls were sent off to get onto the truck first followed by the boys. It was pitch black and water was rising fast but there was no sense of panic only a sense of urgency, this was because there was nobody yelling, and Norvan was telling people exactly what to do. Once the entire team was on the truck Norvan did a quick sweep of the building making sure nobody was left behind, he picked up the medical kit launched himself into the waist deep water had struggled his way out to the truck. As he got one hand onto the back tailgate of the truck, the truck sped off as the wheel arches were already under water. This caused Norvan to fall from the back of the truck, Eric, one of the volunteers, grabbed Norvan by his backpack strap and pulled Norvan onto the back of the truck.

The truck sped off at a great speed, when it came to crossing the bridge in the middle of town, the water was so high that you could barely make out where the edge of the bridge was. Once we had got through the middle of town we sped up the other side of town up a hill to safety. That was where we disembarked, getting out the shelter we stood around in the rain under plastic sheets. Just take the edge off the situation, Norvan began the lead us all in song, I guess that is where the Boy Scout training came in handy. It seems to be a little bit silly now but it was quite reassuring at the time. Eventually we found shelter in a chicken coop and that’s where we spent the rest of the night.

Unfortunately two nights later after we had been evacuated to another location we went through a second dramatic incident of the project. After we had spent the day helping out with an indigenous Christmas party for the children of the local indigenous reserve, we came home to find we have been robbed. Norvan, Laura and the boys went the missionary, whose house we were evacuated too, to go see if they could find who did it and get our stuff back. Norvan didn’t return until the next morning, he had taken watch by himself for the whole night until he was relieved by police from the neighboring city. Even though he looked incredibly tired, he also seemed to be something deeper that was wrong. That morning an investigation team showed up and took fingerprints in an effort to track down who it was. They never did catch the person or get any of our stuff back.

The situation further deteriorated as the following day Laura, Norvan’s only support, left the project, close to a nervous breakdown, under a lot of stress and fatigue she had decided to go home and rest. At the time we did know if she would be back on project. to make matters worse, later that night one of the other volunteers got really sick and after caring for her all night, in the morning Norvan had her evacuated by ambulance. He sent her sister and the only Costa Rican participant with her, just to make sure that they would be okay.

I can’t imagine how Norvan felt at the time, I know I would have been in pieces. There he was in a foreign country, where it only just begun to speak the language, with a project that had run off the rails due to there being no materials, all alone with his partner gone and his team split between two geographic locations, not knowing what would happen next. It must have been heartbreaking! Fortunately for our team, Norvan was not like many other people, he has a strong inner strength and strong character.

This is where the true inspiration comes from, Norvan just got on with the job. He got another group leader to come up from head office. He held a meeting with the entire team to see what we wanted to do, if we wanted to stay or go. When we unanimously decided to stay he went about organizing other activities, such as accompanying the local priest on an expedition into the jungle. We organized Christmas with the whole team. And when Laura came back, they organized with the community to build two extra classrooms for the local high school. This would allow the children of the town to finish high school and increase their chances of being able to go on to university.

You would expect someone who shows such strong personality and direct leadership to then dominate the team by being the central person steering the group. This is where Norvan is different. He slowly pulled himself back, while he supported Laura in becoming more of a leader. It was beautiful thing to see because in Latin America it is rare that women get the opportunity to be so supported and encouraged by their male colleagues. The relationship that developed between Norvan and Laura was unique, it was like they where brother and sister while on project.

Norvan helped the group make decisions for ourselves by being inclusive not exclusive. We organized a local market for the indigenous people of the reserve to trade their wares. The really inspiring stuff is the Norvan made us feel that we owned the project, I never really seen someone do it like he did, to create something from nothing.

Towards the end of the project Norvan became incredibly ill. The severity of how sick he was is something that we did not find out until after the project. In a conversation I had with him after project I asked him why he stayed on project, he simply said that even though he was sick he wanted to finish what he started and he had nowhere else to go, and he would rather be with family, the team.

Perth Sends Canberra a Green Face

Ukelele - Polynesian for Underachiever

Western Australia’s representative in the Green Faces comedy competition final at the Irish Club on September 4 will be 23-year-old actor and comedian John Robertson, announced the state winner out of over 40 entrants in five WA heats of the competition.

With his deep booming voice and mutton chops ("I grew them so I could look more like Mr Darcy… if his mum had been *****d by Wolverine"), Robertson has been entertaining audiences for the past year with his dark take on pop culture, presented with the ocassional help of his ‘pet’ ukelele.

Incidentally, Robertson tells The Word that "’ukelele’ is a Polynesian word meaning ‘underachiever’". The opposite is true of Robertson himself.

Fast establishing a reputation performing stand-up and character comedy at clubs, pubs, theatres and private functions in and around Perth, online comedy review site The Groggy Squirrel described Robertson in his 2007 Melbourne Fringe show as "commanding to watch", and he hopes to have the same impression on Canberra audiences.

"I’m looking forward to the trip to Canberra," he said, "a city I’ve been laughing at for years! …no really, some of the best science fiction conventions I’ve been to were in Canberra. They were good times. Funny times."

A national phenomenon to rival the Raw Comedy competition, in which Robertson was a 2007 finalist, Green Faces will see Canberra’s own Jay Sullivan compete alongside Robertson and other national finalists for over $3500 in prizes, in addition to gigs at comedy venues in Sydney and Brisbane.

Armed with the knowledge that previous competition entrants have included Tom Gleeson, Ahn Do, Charlie Pickering and Chris Franklin, competitors will not only be representing their states of origin, but trying to kick-start their own careers.

Robertson warns the rest of Australia not to underestimate how funny Perthlings can be. "We’ve got a fantastic comedy scene (in Perth)," he said. "Not everybody knows that."

Having already written and performed his own one-man show in Perth and Melbourne, Robertson comes to Canberra in the midst of preparation for the new show he plans to take to next year’s Melbourne Comedy Festival and Edinburgh Fringe.

"Who knows," Robertson said, "The Capital may inspire me with some comedy nuggets of her own."

Catch John Robertson’s Canberra debut at the Green Faces National Final on Thursday 4 September at the Irish Club in Weston.


Lizzie Wagner signs on to run Fashions on the Field


Thoroughbred Park announces the latest partnership with yet another quality name in Canberra’s fashion futurity. The Lizzie Wagner Group have officially become part of the new Fashions on the Field competition and will provide the preperation and raceday organisation of the updated and improved event for the 104.7 Melbourne Cup Race Day, the Kennards Hire Canberra Cup and the AAMI Black Opal Stakes.
Company Principal and Director Lizzie Wagner has over 25 years’ experience as a highly sought-after fashion and modelling consultant, successful businesswoman, corporate trainer, and events and promotions manager/presenter in both the fashion and media industry.
With the assistance of Lizzie Wagner and MYER it can only be a given that the Fashions on the Field competition at Thoroughbred Park will develop into a must see event. The Kennards Hire Canberra Cup and AAMI Black Opal competitions will offer cash and vouchers to the winning contestants in the Classic Ladies, Mens and Couples Racewear.
Lizzie will not only compare at all three events, she will also compare the exciting new search for the MYER Face of Canberra Racing and MYER Miss Black Opal. A search to find a local lass who will fit the bill to represent fashion and racing to the Nations Capital. “I am absolutely delighted to be a part of the Fashions on the Field and Face of Canberra Racing competitions, and I look forward to seeing racewear presented in the new more traditional style” Lizzie said.
The new rules and requirements for Fashions on the Field correspond with high level Fashions on the Field competition criteria and the judges guidelines will be strictly adhered to. Peter Stubbs, Chief Executive said “Fashion plays a major part in the race days, and the nightclub outfits will give way to the more accepted racewear which gives a wider demographic of the audience the opportunity to win the competition”.
The first competition commences at the 104.7 Melbourne Cup Race Day and the Myer Face of Canberra Racing applications open from October 2008. For more information visit www.thoroughbredpark.com.au.

Culturazi #121

Pasha’s Lounge

Pasha’s Lounge, a jount CMC/98.3fm 2xx
production is on this Saturday night amidst the Gorman House night markets and
other activities associated with CLAW. The
theme is Cabaret Voltaire in an opium den, the dress style is pyjamas, dressing
gowns, smoking jackets, kaftans, wraps, kimonos, muumuus or anything soft and
comfy. Bring your own: cushions, lounge chairs, blankies, The line-up

8pm: Big Score
8.30: Sanjiva de Silva
9.00 The Glaciers
Matt Dent
10.15 Ocean Moses
11.00 Fire on the Hill

Entry is $15
(full) $10 (conc.) and $5 (CMC and 2xx members). It’s licenced and there will be
our usual sausage sangers plus a variety of food from the markets till

Canberra Living Artists Week (CLAW)

There are a lot of
events happening this week and next as part of CLAW, so many I can’t find the
time and energy to transcribe them below, but there is a full program here.
Check it out!


Clancy’s is a ‘heritage style’
bar/restaurant/beer garden type affair on The Federal Highway in Watson. It’s
been closed for 6-7 years, but does currently support some small traders in the
surrounding complex. It would make for a great summer time venue for music, or
so I was told by a huge, scary looking bikie guy the other day. He’s organising
a public meeting to try to save it from its owners who intend to knock the whole
lot down for more of the boxy units proliferating in the area. Interested
parties are invited to the Downer Community Centre, Frencham St, Downer at 5pm,
Saturday 30th August.

Dr Stovepipe Music Video

All are
welcome to attend and appear in Dr Stovepipe’s music video
shoot, being held at Tuggeranong Homestead on Friday at noon. Dress 1930’s dust
bowl, with a hat, and let them know (message via myspace?) how many of you are
coming cause they’ll feed you. There’s a bit more info (and another contact
point) here.

Workshop with Rachel Hore

Virginia Cooke is organising a singing
workshop with well-known Sydney based singer, arranger, composer and choral
director Rachel Hore on Sat 20 and Sun
21 September. It’s a great opportunity to do a workshop with Rachel as she
doesn’t come to Canberra very often – we usually have to go up to Katoomba to do
WinterSong, which is booked out for the two sessions this year! There’s an early
bird fee of $90 if paid by this Friday. Email [email protected] for more


This is where you can pick up free tickets
to shows around town, but in return you have to write a short review of the
show. Send a reply email quoting the indicated text to

The Canberra Musicans Club Presents: Pasha’s Lounge @ DNA Theatre,
Gorman House:
Sanjiva de Silva, Ocean Moses, Matt Dent, The Glaciers,
Big Score, Fire on the Hill?? Saturday 8pm, $15/$10 (conc)/$5 (CMC Members).
(email ‘CMC’)

Maureen O’Brien @ The Merry Muse
. Friday 7.30pm, $15/12 (email ‘Merry

Minh Ha (Bliss) @ Folkus with Angels are
. Friday, 7.30pm, $15/12 (email ‘Angels are Bliss’)

Frankenbok @ The Greenroom with Mytile Vey Lorth, Rake Sodomy,
Point.17. Friday, 8pm, $12 (email ‘Frankenlobotomy’)

Saturday Afternoon Jazz @ Folkus The Maureen O’Brien Ensemble. 2-5pm, $15/12
(email ‘Folky Maureen’)

The Greenroom with Tonk, All Guns
Blazing. Saturday, 8pm, $10 (Tonk Escapes Greenroom, All Guns Blazing’)

“Jazz With French Dressing” @ Folkus. Paul Furniss, Anton Wurzer, James Luke &
Garry Owen. Next Thursday, 7.30pm, $15/12 (email ‘French


Need a hit man? Got bodies needing
burying? Gertifieds
is good. It’s free. Take advantage of it.


Thursday 21st

Gangbusters @ Bar32
, The Trivs, The Magic Hands. 9pm, $5

Kempsey @ Transit Bar
with Euphonic, The Hands. 9pm

McFadden’s McComedy @ Filthy McFaddens
Kale Bogdanovs,
Emo Willis, Tom Gibson, Georgie B, Wes The Irish Guy, Jay Sullivan, Geoff Setty.
8pm, free

Friday 22nd

@ The Merry

7.30pm, $15/12

Minh Ha (Bliss) @ Folkus
with Angels are
. 7.30pm, $15/12

Frankenbok @ The Greenroom
with Mytile Vey Lorth, Rake Sodomy,
Point.17. 8pm, $12

CLAW Opening Night @ Manuka
lots of stuff incl.
Collective Cacophony, body art photography, video art and more. Starts 6pm at
Mest, 1 Palmerston Lane,

Longing for Wisdom on our Changing Climate @ National Convention

Chorus of Women
. 5.30pm,

@ Soul Bar


Dita Hollywood in ‘The Devil Wears Target’ @


Saturday 23rd

The Canberra Musicans Club and 98.3 2xxfm Present: Pasha’s Lounge
@ DNA Theatre, Gorman House

Sanjiva de Silva, Ocean Moses, Matt
Dent, The Glaciers, Big Score, Fire on the Hill?? 8pm, $15/$10 (conc)/$5 (CMC

Night Markets @ Gorman House
open till 9pm

Saturday Afternoon Jazz @ Folkus
The Maureen O’Brien Ensemble. 2-5pm,

The Greenroom
with Tonk, All Guns
Blazing. 8pm, $10

Angels are Architects @ The Phoenix

Gangbusters @ Bar 32
Bachelor of
Arts, Condorcet, Archeopteryx. 6pm, $5

Sunday 24th

‘Spirit On The Rise’ CD Launch @ Olims Ainslie Hotel

with Aria
Stone, Bob Rodgers, Ernie Van Veen and Jon Jones. 2-5pm

Tableaux Vellum @ Smith’s Alternative

6:30-7pm and 7:30-8pm. $15, bookings 62474459

Bridge Between
@ Yarralumla Yacht Club


Kooky Fandango @ Old Bald Nun

Irish Jam Session @ King O’Malleys, Civic
5pm, free

Monday 25th

The Bootleg Sessions @ The Phoenix
Tim Jacqier, The Cashews, The Feldons, Mechanical
Pterodactyl. 8pm, free

The Hot 5 @ CLAW Cacophony, Old Starbucks, Manuka
Gibson, Jay Sullivan, Emo Willis, Geoff Setty, Kale Bogdanovs?? 8pm, $5

Tuesday 26th

Musical Madness @ Filthy McFaddens
Jo Telfar,
Touch of Soul, Simone. 8.30pm, free

Wednesday 27th

Slim Pickens & Round John Virgin @ The Phoenix

Ladies Night @ CLAW Cacophony, Old Starbucks, Manuka

Bec Taylor, Aleshia Flannagan, Alison Procter, Simone Penkethman,
Alice Cottee, Beth Monzo. 7pm, $5

Tom Hall: Tangential Uprise Tour @ The Front

Thursday 28th

“Jazz With French Dressing” @ Folkus
Paul Furniss, Anton Wurzer, James Luke
& Garry Owen. 7.30pm, $15/12

Gangbusters @ Bar32
Cold Front, Partybus,
Slowburn. $5

Also check:

Just Bands , BMA (download .pdf), ANU
Gig Guide
, Increase (indy/hard core gigs), the Merry Muse program, The Folkus
, RiotACT (DIY
gig guide on Thursdays), Punk ACT, People Against Non-eventful Times, Canberra Jazz, Birds Love
The Canberra Blues
and Let’s Create.

Recent Articles on

CSA Blues
Coffee Bitch #49. Carlo’s
Cashews CD Launch – a Wrap-Up
Quack, quack, quack
The Glaciers

Old Friends – New Art

Sandra Moffat''s portrait

Successful Canberra Business Woman Sandra Moffat of ‘’The Walking Clinic’ celebrates 60th birthday by having her portrait painted by well known Canberra artist Barbara van der Linden

This weekend Sandra will celebrate her 60th birthday on Sunday 24th August with close friends and family. As a present to herself Sandra commissioned well known Canberra portrait artist Barbara van der Linden to paint her portrait. The portrait combines traditional and New Media and will be on display for the first time at Sandra’s home for her guests to view while sipping champagne. The Artist will be present.

Sandra met Barbara in 1966 when they were both studying Fine Arts at the first Canberra School of Art operating at the Kingston Bus Depot. Barbara went on to study Graphic Design at East Sydney tech, while Sandra changed her path and followed a successful career in podiatry. Sandra became a partner of The Walking Clinic formerly known as ACT Podiatry Services which was the first fully operational Podiatry Centre in Canberra bringing a whole new dimension of Podiatric Care to the ACT and surrounds. The clinic is one of Canberra’s success stories and has been operating since the early 1980s.

Barbara and Sandra have recently crossed paths again and as a result have come together on this project, which Barbara says was a labour of love and a great deal of fun. According to Barbara the painting portrays a strong woman who likes to balance her busy demanding life with a little fun with friends. The four portraits on the left of the painting show four sides to Sandra’s personality. The painting is strong and clean in no-nonsense colours that go well with the interior of her home. Barbara combines Traditional Media with New Media, which is made possible through her skills in Fine Arts and Graphic Design.


Contact details:

Address of event – Unit 3/2 Farrer Street, Braddon, ph 0418222565

Barbara van der Linden / email [email protected]
6262 5782ph or 0417 888 586
Sandra Moffat / email [email protected] 6249 1758


Floriade set to dazzle at night


Movie lovers, garden gurus and anyone looking for a unique night out can now buy their tickets to Floriade Nightfest.

NightFest is a new addition to Floriade, running from Wednesday, September 24 to Sunday, September 28 in five exciting nights of entertainment, film screenings, night markets and food and wine.

A program of specially selected short films and one feature film will screen on a huge outdoor cinema screen over the five nights.  Live music and roving entertainment, plus a stunning finale each night by Strange Fruit, which has wowed audiences at events such as the Rugby World Cup, will keep patrons entertained.

Wednesday 24 September — Top of the Trops
Thursday 25 September — Comedy festival short films
Friday 26 September — Melbourne International Animation Festival short films
Saturday 27 September — Strictly Ballroom — feature film
Sunday 28 September — Little Big Shots — children’s short films

For a full program and event information go to www.floriadeaustralia.com or phone 136 100. Tickets can be purchased online at www.ticketmaster.com.au or by phoning 136 100.

Government Sponsors Community Recreation and Development Education


Few people in the general public know that the ACT Department of Education is very supportive when it comes to offering subsidised education to priority groups such as mature-age (over 40), people with a disability, indigenous, return to work ‘mums’, to name a few.  The Strategic Priorities Program (SPP) is designed to meet the skills needs of ACT citizens, business and industry and to contribute to employment, social inclusion and economic growth in the region.

The SPP also addresses the major objectives of the ACT Vocational Education and Training (VET) system to provide training to develop core job skills at all stages including entry level as well as to encourage individuals and enterprises to obtain nationally recognised training in areas such as business, community development, and recreation.

Many Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) apply for the funding in order to be able to offer the full or part qualification to the ACT community.  One of the successful organisations has been The WISE Academy.  Being granted 40 places to deliver Community Recreation and 10 places in Small Business Management in 2008, the funding has been helpful in starting up a new business as well as assisting local community organisations such as the YMCA of Canberra to gain and train staff.

Currently, The WISE Academy is offering 10 placements in the Certificate IV in Community Recreation with a focus on community development.  For only $450, participants in the course will learn how to attract more money towards their organisation, write winning grants, increase their networks, and develop innovative fundraisers and programs.  With more community organisations struggling to survive due to the changing economy and program funding cuts, the opportunity to gain training in learning more about the business of community recreation and development is timely.


Playing the Game to Understand Money Proves Profitable

Play the Game!

Personal development is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, especially those courses on health and wealth. How many of you have spent a lot of money going to a self-development course about how to create more wealth in your life?  

I attended one of those free weekends in June up in Sydney. It was Chris Howard’s Wealth Creation Weekend.  I decided that I would go up with open ears, mind and heart to listen and learn without judgement towards ‘my fellow American’ guest presenters.  Aside from the high-fives with friends I just met, cheering, and feeling like I was part of an evangelical mission (which is okay), the information that was delivered was awesome. 

There were nine speakers on wealth creation from creating your own business, investing in property and shares, and writing e-books.  Of those speakers, the one who resonated with me was three-time, bestselling author and Millionaire Maker, Loral Langemeier. She was not ‘over-the-top’; just told it like it was. If you wanted to increase your sales, ask for the money – 20 times a day! Stop focusing on debt; focus on creating money.  Create your own "Cash Machine"!  After listening to her and speaking with her personally, I chose to invest the time and money to attend her "Cash Machine Weekend" that was held at the end of July.

I attended that weekend and met approximately 100 like-minded people who seemed to be on the same journey to create more money in their life.  One of the activities we did was play her Millionaire Maker Game. It was great! While growing up, I had played Billionaire, King Oil, Masterpiece, and of course, Monopoly. This game reminded me of all those wrapped up into one – but better!

We were given accountability partners to keep us on track while creating our "Cash Machines’. Tom, a 15-year student in Sydney, is mine. He was a winner playing the game increasing his net worth to $1.2 million and had quit his J.O.B. (which is another way of saying Just Over Broke).

The Millionaire Maker Game teaches people real world application wealth building skills as they live the life of an entrepreneur- where big deals are done daily. Teachers can relate to the game for it would be similar to an educational simulation – where people learn by doing. Do you know that one of the quickest ways to learn about a subject is by playing games!? Today we see it with innovative computer programs. The Millionaire Maker Game, though not computer generated, provides interaction and learning for people of all ages.

Most recently, The WISE Academy showcased The Millionaire Maker Game at the Canberra Careers Market and had approximately 100 students play the game.  Now, anyone can attend Millionaire Maker Game nights for FREE over the next couple of months at The WISE Academy.  For more information about the game or to sign up for free game nights, contact 02 6162 0919.