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Weereewa Festival of Lake George Saturday 5 April

Old Stone House Garden, Bungendore, NSW

Saturday 5 April
Shoreline walk
(from Geary’s Gap to Silver Wattle)
8.30 am 5 km walk
Walk along the shore of the lake with expert guides. Cmmentaries on pastoral and natural history will inform and entertain.
Bring water; sturdy footwear and trousers recommended. (For more details and map please check Weereewa website at www.weereewafestival.org)

Lake George Gardens Tour: presented by the Australian Garden History Society.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm Visit historical gardens
From 9.30 am to 4.30 pm visit historical gardens of the lake district: Currandooley and Willeroo, and The Old Stone House in Bungendore, are presented in conjunction with Australian Garden History Society.

AGHS members $15 non members $25
For booking information please contact
Australian Garden History Society
GPO Box 1630
Canberra ACT 2601

Or phone the Weereewa Festival on 6238 0119

Weereewa Festival of Lake George Literary Dinner

Writer and Artist Kim Mahood

Living across the Cultural Divide


Literary Dinner – an evening with writer Kim Mahood

Sunday 30 March 2008

7.00 pm Champagne Opening at A Suitable Book

Dinner at Wood Works Café

Kim Mahood grew up in the Tanami Desert. Despite time away at boarding school and later teaching at the Canberra School of Art, Kim is constantly drawn back to her heartland. Her identity is defined across two cultures. In her memoir, Craft for a Dry Lake and in a number of more recent essays, she explores the powerful relationship between people and landscape.

$45.00 & BYO


A Suitable Book
Village Square
Malbon Street
Bungendore NSW 2621

02 6238 1648

Weereewa Forum 2008

Dr Geoffrey Hope, is the Professor of Natural History in the Department of Archaeology and Natural History, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, ANU in Canberra.

Sunday 30 March 2008
FORUM: Shorelines – Palaeo, Pre and Present. A Story of Weereeewa

9.30 am to 5.00 pm One day multidisciplinary forum. 



Since its inception in 1999, the Weereewa Festival has featured a one-day forum to bring together specialists in various fields and disseminate information to a wider audience. The aim of the Weereewa Festival forums has been to raise awareness and understanding of the unique values of Weereewa (Lake George) and its region.
This year’s Forum Shorelines Palaeo, Pre and Present, tells the story of the Weereewa region across a broad sweep of time. Speakers include Dr Geoffrey Hope Dr Kathryn Fitzsimmons and Dr Philip Hughes from the ANU, George Main of the National Museum of Australia, Beth Hatton, artist and Adam Muyt, ecologist. Barry Cohen will launch the forum, which is convened by Rainer Rehwinkel.

Silver Wattle
Lake Road
Bungendore NSW 2621
For registration forms ring:
02 6238 0119
Or Email [email protected]
Registration fee: $65
Concession: $50
(includes lunch and light refreshments)
(For the registration form please go tpo the Weereewa website at: www.weereewafestival.org)

A Suitable Book
Village Square
Bungendore NSW 2621
02 6238 1648

BATS Concert,

Fyre Pigs

Weereewa Festival of Lake George
Saturday 29 March 2008
BATS Weereewa Concert

4.00 to 10.30 pm
Bring your own food and drink to the Weereewa Concert featuring local musicians and BATS members. Bands include the Firepigs, Eagle Medicine, The Bond Traps, Honey Groove, Larry King Band plus soloists and Bush Poets.

Bungendore Memorial Hall Molonglo Street
Bungendore NSW 2621
Contact: Danny Velnaar 6238 1673
Entry Adult: $10 U/16 Free

WeereewaShoreline Walk and Shoreline Sculpture Trail Launch

Weerewa Lake George

Saturday 29 March
Shoreline walk from Geary’s Gap to Silver Wattle.

8.30 am 5 km walk with expert commentaries on pastoral history and natural history. This is a rare opportunity to get up close and personal with Lake George, the moody inspiring landscape and its stories.
Bring water; sturdy footwear and trousers recommended. Starts from Geary’s Gap.

Shoreline: Weereewa Sculpture Trail

11.00 am Launch of Sculpture at Silver Wattle
Ten artists have been selected to create site specific works on the shores of the lake. At the launch they will be on hand to speak about their work. Your journey along Lake Road will be enthralling, giving you a new perspective on this extraordinary landscape. The sculpture Trail will be open to viewers until 13 April.

Silver Wattle gate
at end of
Lake Road
Bungendore NSW 2621

The preceeding events are part of the 2008 Weereewa Festival of Lake George.
Queries should be directed to: 
Weereewa Festival
Contacts. Tel 6238 0119 PO Box 170 Bungendore 2621
email: [email protected]
Website: www.weereewafestival.org

Passion on the lake

Mirramus Dance Company on the lake bed, Weereewa

A Day of Dance at Mirramu Creative Arts Centre

From 12 noon to 6 pm on Saturday 29 March 2008, Passion on the Lake is a one-day event held in the grounds of Mirramu Creative Arts Centre and on the lake-bed of Weereewa/Lake George. The program features dance artists from Mirramu Dance Company performing excerpts from their recent Tango Lament production, and community dance groups from the ACT and local regions.

Workshops and presentations in Tango, Salsa and other world dance styles will be led by members of the Tango Social Club of Canberra, Racquel and Andrea Paez from the Salsabor Dance Company and Naomi Lieberfreund from Wild Earth Dance Theatre. Artistic wares, many with a South American flavour, will be on sale at the colourful stalls, and sculptured installations will be on show under the trees. Bring a picnic basket and celebrate this special place.

Passes are available at the gate: Adult $12, Concession $8, family $28

Location: Mirramu Creative Arts Centre 849 Lake Road, Bungendore
Contact: Miramu Creative Arts Centre
Phone: 02 6238 1492
E-mail: [email protected]

Bowling for Bungendore


Performances: 28 Mar 2008 to 29 Mar 2008
Comedy duo John Shortis and Moya Simpson return to Bungendore for two nights at the best venue in town, the Bungendore Bowling Club. They are renowned for their sharp political satire, and with a whole host of new targets in Parliament House, they’ll have a batch of brand new material. Mixed in is a selection their wello known comedic songs, and a few with a distinctly local flavour. Bowling for Bungendore is witty, irreverent, original, surprising, poignant, and very funny. Come with a friend or with a crowd.

Doors open 7.30pm for perfomance at 8.30pm. Seating is at tables of 4, 6 and 10. The bar is open and the ticket price includes a light supper. Book now, don’t miss it. Bungendore Bowlng Club Turallo Terrace Bungendore NSW 2621

$30 per person (including light supper) Table bookings are recommemded (tables of 4, 6 and 10 are accepted)


Send cheque or money order with your booking to:
Weereewa A Festival of Lake George "Bowling for Bungendore" PO Box 170 Bungendore NSW 2621

Or pay by cheque, Credit card or cash at:
X Gallery 32 Gibraltar Street, Bungendore NSW 2621 X Gallery opening hours: Fri- Mon 11am-5pm Tel: 6238 0550 or 0417730087


Weereewa Works on Paper Prize Exhibition


An interesting cross section of media, all works on paper, will be selected for the first Weereewa Works on Paper Prize. Works will be for sale from the exhibition, which will be at the  Bungendore Woodworks Gallery from Friday 28 March to Tuesday 8 April and is part of the 2008 Weereewa Festival of Lake George. The two prizewinners will be selected by judge Helen Maxwell of Helen Maxwell Gallery, Canberra. The winners will be announced at  6.30pm during the opening, which is from 6pm Friday 28 March at the Bungendore Woodworks Gallery, Malbon Street, Bungendore NSW

Pleaese note: Entry for the exhibiotn has been extended until 14 March. Information and entry forms are avaiable at http://www.weereewafestival.org/  Go to the "Works on Paer Prize" in the content menu.

Announcement of The Weereewa Festival Short Story Competition awards including the Milton Simms Medal

Weereewa, Lake George

On Saturday 28 March between 5 and 6pm  Awards for the Weereewa Festival Short Story Com[petition will be announced. The awards include the Milton Sims medal, which is named in honour of Milton Simms, a former Australian National University librarian. Also a long-time Bungendore resident, Sims lobbied in his position as Yarrowlumla deputy mayor to secure funds to build the Bungendore Library and school hall. The medal for the open section will be of silver and designed by X Gallery’s Xanthe Gay. There are awards in the other two sections for stories by Junior primary school children and Intermediate primary school children.

The theme for the Open Section, is “Shoreline” – a beginning or ending of place: scope, extent, and story?

The theme for school-aged entrants is: "Secrets of the Lake", as Weereewa or Lake George as many people still call it, is renown for its many so-called secrets.


Weereewa Collective


A group exhibition of works in various media by regional artists. 6.00 pm launch at X Gallery 32 Gibraltar Street Bungendore Saturday 22 March.


JOhn Pratt on the lake bed during a Weereewa Field Trip

This innovative exhibition, curated by Kirstie Rea is based on a two-week residency of four local artists: Wendy Teakel, Kirsten Farrell, John Pratt and Sharon Peters. The artists from other disciplines explore glass as a medium to express their reflections on the Lake George / Weereewa landscape. Curator Kirtie Rea describes the work as having amazing clarity and boldness of ideas, which has been expressed through glass material and processes facillitated by Canberra Galss Works technical assistants Nikki Main and Sue Kesteven. The show is on at the Canberra Galss Works until 30 March and was the launching event for the 2008 Weereewa Festival of Lake George. The Canberra Glassworks is located at 11 Wentworth Avenue Kingston and telephone enquires should be directed to 02 6260 7005.

I wish I was David Bowie


Jay Kochel investigates social constructions of masculinity, drawing together his interests in gender and body politics, design, photoography, sculpture and new media. Kochel was recently awarded an ANU PHD Scholoarship to further his academic and art practice. He is a part time tutor in the School of Art (SOA) Sculpture Workshop, works as an installer and gallery assistant in the SOA Gallery and currently practices from an Australian National Capital Artists (ANCA) Mitchell Studio, His work is quirky and humorous with distinct political and dark psychological undercurrents. It often contaians interactive or kinetic elements and draws contemporary cultural meanings directly from Kochel’s sensitive incorporation or interpretation of found objects. Rcently exhibitied at the M16 Artspace in "ANCA Travelling South", which coincided with the Ausglass Conference were miniature glass pieces by Kochel.  "Kickers" and "Pacify", works in cast recycled television screen were made with assistance from and in the studio of ANCA based glass artist Luna Ryan. Kochel was also a participant in the 2008 Domain temporary public art series. "I wish I was David Bowie" is on from 2 – 13 April at the ANCA Gallery, 1 Rosevear Place on the corner of Antill Street in Dickson. The gallery is open 12noon  to 5pm Wednesday to Sunday. Please direct inquiries to 6247 8736.

lake Gathering

Lake George (night) 2008

Inspired by Lake George over many years, artists Christine James (represented by Beaver Galleries), Anita McIntyre (represented by Beaver Galleries), Micky Allan (represented by Helen Maxwell Gallery), Katherine Campbell and Pete Smith have been gathered together for this exhibition by Philippa Kelly. Showing at the ANCA Gallery, "Lake Gathering" is part of the 2008 Weereewa Festival of Lake George program. Works in painting, drawing, mixed media and ceramics explore the individual artists interest in and responses to the elusory and moody majesty of the Weereewa landscape. During the opening, which begins at 6pm on Wednesday 19 March, celebrated cellist David Perera will perform in the ANCA Gallery courtyard. His a composition "Lake Ghost" results from recent collaboration with painter Micky Allan. The ANCA Gallery is at 1 Rosevear Place, on the corner of Antil Street in Dickson. Direct inquiries to 6247 8736. "Lake Gathering" continues until 30 March and is open to the public 12 – 5pm Wednesday to Sunday.

Australia in Naturalibus (Australia uncovered)

Top (L to R): Hand:Out of Reach, Brain, Female Torso: Alma Mater, Bottom (L to R): Eyes: Out of sight out of mind, Heart: The Heart of the Matter, Leg: Dry Land

In this rich and complex exhibition Canberra based tapestry weaver, Brenda Goggs takes a humorous look at nomenclature. "Australia: in naturalibus (Australia Uncovered)" she says, "is about naming the Land" She asserts that "myth and reality are often hard to separate when a new land is discovered and named. Past experience is applied to the present. " and "The whole constitutes more than the sum of its parts. This is a humorous look at nomenclature, familiar sayings and taking ourselves too seriously."  The exhibition consits of sixteen tapestries, each embelished with a Latin saying with reference to Australia during the period 1996 – 1999," The works are woven by hand on a frame using left over donated and otherwise scrounged materials. This aspect of Goggs’ practice makes reference to the "make do" colonial, pioneering and depression textile traditions of the 19th and 20th century. They are various sizes approx 55 x 70cm. The exhibition continues at the ANCA Gallery at 1 Rosevear Place (corner of Antill Street) Dickson until 16 March.