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Political Theatre at its best – Deeply Offensive and NOT Untrue!

Political Theatre at its best at The Q

If you were mesmerised, confused, disgusted, outraged, apathetic about ‘The Australian Wheat Board Scandal’, you need to see this piece of political theatre. Every word in the play is cited to be true. Definitely worth the drive over the boarder!

The critic’s said…..
“Most theatre companies aim to give us a good night out. Version 1.0 goes the extra mile: it entertains, informs and then contributes to the betterment of our democracy.” Jason Blake, Sun Herald, 2/9/2007

"It’s like The 7:30 Report on acid." FBi Radio says about Deeply Offensive and Utterly Untrue

$290 million in bribes was paid to the regime of an evil dictator on the eve of war. Why? Government ministers and Australian Wheat Board executives all struggled to remember exactly what went on, but no one is too sure… The 8,500 pages of transcript of the Cole Inquiry into the ‘wheat for weapons’ scandal have been transformed into provocative and entertaining theatre by Version 1.0, the team behind the acclaimed The Wages of Spin. It’s time to kickback the kickbacks.

"Hypocrisy on such a blatant scale is hard to represent in any form. Version 1.0 has recently specialised in a sub-genre of the verbatim – inquiry theatre – and this is its most assured work yet. Amid the suits and the recounted testimony and that ABC interview with the Foreign Minister, the work’s big question is stronger for never being explicitly stated. They read the Cole report so you don’t have to..." Stephen Dunne – Sydney Morning Herald

"Informed and informative, all balls and no filler; once again Version 1.0 prove themselves as purveyors of unmissable renegade theatre on a topic that should have our country still hanging its head in shame." Ewa Jaremkiewicz, City Hub, September 2007

LIMITED SEASON: 13 – 16 May 2009, with Matinees @ 2pm on Thursday and Saturday ($25). Access tickets from $25-$47 at The Q Box Office at www.theq.net.au