Home Youth New York Raptors Report

New York Raptors Report


By Michael Meyers —

The New York Raptors hosted the 2024 Winter Classic back on Sunday, April 6 at the Playland Rink in Rye, NY. The Winter Classic is a big event for the Raptors because it is the team’s fundraiser.

The Raptors lost to the Central Park North Stars, 10-5. But the day was still a great event for everyone.

Admission was free for the event, with opening ceremonies beginning at 1 p.m. The days festivities ended at 5 p.m.

Special guest for the Winter Classic was former New York Rangers player, Tom Laidlaw. Laidlaw played for both the Rangers and the Los Angeles Kings. Following his retirement as a player, Laidlaw became a color commentator for the Kings radio broadcasts.

Today, Laidlaw operates a sports management company in Rye Brook, NY. He is also a motivational speaker.

As part of the festivities for the day raffles were held as well as a chuck-a-puck event during the hockey game.

The Raptors would like to thank everyone who helped out with and attended their Winter Classic.

(Photo provided by the New York Raptors)