Bellina save in Union game last season (J DS chultz Photo)


Following three seasons that totaled just seven victories between 2020 and 2023, the Celeste Brown-coached Rochester Institute of Technology Women’s hockey team had a 13-19-3 record for the 2023-24 hockey campaign. Coming into this season, there is a lot of hope for the Tigers to have a winning record and some post-season success.

What does Coach Brown think?

“Last season was positive in terms of growth,” answered Brown, a former RIT player and a captain with the women’s Tigers team. “We’re still looking for another level of success.

“It was a rewarding season for our players. They bought into a process that proved successful.

“This season is going to be a fun season. We’re still learning and evolving and bringing in some first year players that are going to be playing big roles on the team.

“The big question will be is ‘how to we get them (freshmen) up to speed in the team’s first eight games, which will be against some tough opponents.

“Our goal right now is to win the AHA at the end of the season. Each practice and each game is a brick towards that goal.”

Looking back at last season what does Brown think the players learned?

“We learned how to take care of business with certain situations,” responded Brown, a native of Great Falls, Montana. “It’s about inviting that pressure in to perform and do it when it counts.

“We’re looking at improving our game even more on the ice this season.”

Brown pointed out that last year was a breakthrough year in the four seasons she has been coaching the Tigers. Things seem to come together after struggling through a learning process with a relatively young team.

“It was a lot of work,” explained Brown. “Rebuilds are a process and that is what we were going through.

“We finally got everything under control. We learned about what is expected from each other and from ourselves.

“I think we knew what to expect so as the season went along nothing was a surprise to us.”

How frustrating was it for Brown, as a coach, to go through those first three seasons which saw the team win just seven games?

“I think it’s the same for me as it was for the players,” commented the 32-year-old Brown. “There is a burning desire inside of me to help put this program where it should be.

“We’ve stayed on our course We’re still making progress.

“There still could be setbacks. But the team has to stay focused.”

So what about this year?

“We have 11 seniors on the team,” said Brown. “Plus we have two graduate students so that makes 13, which is over half the team.

“I’m not going to single out one player. I think that whole class is the key to this year’s team and its success.

“I’ll be looking to them to push each other, to push other teammates and push our culture.

“If that happens we will be successful.”

The 11 seniors include: Baiey Kehl, defense; Jessie Burks, defense; Bronwyn Khangsar, defense; Athena Vasdani, forward.

Jordyn Bear, forward; Kyla Bear, defense; Annie Burks, forward; Megan McCormick, forward.

Kylie Aquaro, forward; Addie Carr, defense; Sarah Coe, Goalie.

The two Graduate players are Nicole Ness, forward and Mia Tsilemos, defense.

There are also two players who were born in NYS including: Addie Alvarex, sophomore, forward, Rochester; Camryn Brownschidle, junior, defense, Clarence.



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