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Rochester’s Kodak Center Hosting Blood Drive



Amerks join forces with other New York-based AHL franchises for state-wide campaign to benefit American Red Cross amid COVID-19 pandemic

(Rochester, NY) – The Rochester Americans announced today the location of the team’s upcoming blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross as part of the New York Hockey Gives Blood initiative.

The event, part of a state-wide campaign that also includes the Utica Comets, Syracuse Crunch and Binghamton Devils, will take place on Friday, April 17 from noon to 6:00 p.m. at the Kodak Center Gymnasium, located at 200 West Ridge Road in downtown Rochester. Prospective donors can reserve an appointment online by visiting www.redcrossblood.org and using the sponsor code “AMERKS” or by calling the American Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767.All Rochester-area donors will receive two vouchers to a 2020-21 regular-season Amerks home game at The Blue Cross Arena. A redemption link will be sent via email for any registered donors as part of this initiative.   

Each of the four American Hockey League franchises is converting a designated location into blood drives in their respective cities to support local blood supplies during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The Adirondack Bank Center in Utica and Upstate Medical University Arena in Syracuse will serve as the site for both the Comets and Crunch, respectively, while the Binghamton Devils will host their event at Christ Episcopal Church.

“We’re honored and excited for the opportunity to join the efforts of the other New York AHL teams in bringing this state-wide initiative to Rochester,” said Amerks Vice President of Business Operations Rob Minter. “These are challenging times we’re facing right now in each of our communities and we as an organization are eager to do our part in providing aid and support to those who need it the most during this unprecedented time.”

With most AHL buildings open and the season currently suspended, the Amerks, Comets, Crunch, and Devils have decided to join forces to use their resources to help New York State maintain a healthy blood supply for hospital patients and shed light on one of the many ways the local communities can help. The drives will be operated by the American Red Cross and followprecautions to maintain social distancing requirements in a safe and sanitized space.

The Red Cross is grateful to the donors who have already given blood and made upcoming appointments, allowing them to meet immediate patient needs. However, during this uncertain time, eligible donors are encouraged to keep scheduled blood donation appointments and make new blood donation appointments for the weeks ahead to ensure a stable supply throughout this pandemic. The American Red Cross is excited to be able to hold events at such large venues during these times of need, especially during an unprecedented period in our society where social distancing is at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

Each AHL market encourages all healthy individuals to consider taking part in this charitable event, and to do so by signing up at www.redcross.org, entering the participating city’s respective sponsor code and choosing a donation time. Individuals can also register via phone at 1-800-RED CROSS or via the Blood Donor app.

New York Hockey Gives Blood Initiative – Blood Drive Locations

Kodak Center Gymnasium (Rochester)

200 West Ridge Rd.

Rochester, NY 14650

Adirondack Bank Center (Utica)

400 Oriskany St. W

Utica, NY 13502

Upstate Medical University Arena (Syracuse)

515 Montgomery St.

Syracuse, NY 13202

Christ Episcopal Church (Binghamton)

10 Henry St.

Binghamton, NY 13901