Home High School Scouts scoot to Jamboree 2007

Scouts scoot to Jamboree 2007


Megan Hayes and Miki Noy were two of the ACT ACT Contingent Leader Calwell & Wanniassa Bendigo branches recently provided great financial support to ACT Scouts to assist some of its youth members attend the most recent Australian Scout Jamboree, 2007. Held in January in northern Victoria, and attended by 12,000 Scouts from Australia and overseas, 335 young people and approximately 85 adults from the ACT attended this huge 12 day event. Scouts at the Jamboree participated in various activities, including flying, a giant water slide, adventurous pursuits, exploring and relaxing in Bendigo and on the Murray River, watching big arena acts, having a market day, and much more. It was a rewarding and busy time for young and old.
Bendigo Bank supported a number of families with the costs of sending their children to the event and their donation is greatly appreciated.