According to Revive Clinic Director, Louise Stewart, this is incorrect. “To the contrary, the Government has introduced an amendment to the legislation stating that collaborative arrangements need to be in place with GPs for NPs to be able to offer patients a Medicare rebate and access to the PBS. The Government has not stipulated exactly what it means by ‘collaborative’.
“Through our documentation, the Revive Clinic must already demonstrate that we have collaborative arrangements in place with GPs. This in no way, shape or form currently means that NPs must get GP approval, as they are already protected by state legislation which allows them to work autonomously,” said Ms Stewart.
“In fact, NPs have been entitled and enabled by state legislation in all states to work autonomously for more than five years. NPs have been treating patients in hospital emergency departments for some time. They would be prohibited from performing this role if their health care service offering is both unsafe and dangerous. Clinical research clearly demonstrates that NPs offer the highest level of patient care and safety.”
There is no longer a debate about whether NPs are appropriately qualified to treat patients, as they have been performing this role for years. “Rather, it is purely about whether all members of the community should have access to this service by making it available on Medicare and the PBS,” said Ms Stewart.
“It appears that medical groups and certain doctors are doing their best to ensure that this valuable health service remains unaffordable for the community to access.
“Considering the GP shortage, this is an unreasonable position for the public to accept,” Ms Stewart said.
About nurse practitioners
Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses with advanced education and training in primary healthcare. NPs must have at least five years post-University nursing experience before completing another two years (part-time) Masters degree to qualify as an NP.
As professional, accountable, independent health care providers, NPs are authorised to diagnose and prescribe medications for common health conditions and order diagnostic tests. They focus on disease prevention and treat everyday ailments including strep throat and ear, eye, sinus, bladder and bronchial infections, minor wounds, abrasions and joint sprains.
NPs are legally and professionally accountable for their own practice. They work to complement existing services, and refer clients who fall outside of their regular scope of practice, directly to the GP collaborative. Evidence shows that collaborative practice between NPs and GPs provides better patient outcomes in a cost-effective manner.
There are approximately 300 nurse practitioners practising in Australia, each of whom undergoes extensive Master level training and an approval process by state health departments to work as an NP. In recognition of their valuable role in primary healthcare, the Australian Government has recently invested $2.1 million in scholarships to help boost NP numbers nation-wide.
International clinical studies demonstrate that the quality of care delivered by NP retail clinics is equal to or higher than those provided by emergency rooms and GPs, and the cost of services is substantially lower than those offered by other health care providers.
About Revive Clinic
Revive Clinic is a new initiative offering the community efficient, simple and convenient healthcare for minor illnesses and general wellbeing. The company currently operates six in-pharmacy clinics nation-wide and a stand-alone clinic in a Perth shopping centre, with plans to open more in-pharmacy clinics, particularly in regional and remote communities requiring improved access to primary health care services, around Australia.
The Revive Clinic’s steering committee, comprising GPs, Pathologists, Clinical Pharmacists and NPs, is responsible for creating and endorsing the model’s clinical protocols and scope of practice in order to secure operational approval by the state health departments. Collaboration with patients’ GPs, pharmacists and other local health providers is central to the Revive Clinic health care delivery model.
Each state health department has regulated and approved the Revive Clinic NPs to diagnose, treat and write prescriptions for common illnesses, minor ailments and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. NPs can also prescribe contraceptives and seasonal influenza and travel vaccinations. Revive Clinic is required to report annually on the medications it prescribes to each state health department.
The Revive Clinic’s NP services have been well received by those patients who can afford to access them. The convenience of the walk-in Revive Clinic, requiring no appointments or waiting time, has proven a highly successful formula to date.
This new community health service offers people a choice in how they access quality health care while helping to minimise GP waiting times, emergency hospital admissions and rising health care costs.
Currently there is no allowance for NPs to register as a medical practitioner offering services that attract a Medicare rebate. This is limited to practice nurses, some allied health providers and dentists. The 2009-10 Federal Health Budget outlines plans to allow NPs access to Medicare and the PBS.
The Revive Clinic is not a joint venture with the Pharmacy Alliance Group, which runs the Healthetc chain of pharmacies. Pharmacies are required to purchase a license agreement from the Revive Clinic to operate a NP clinic from their premises. The pharmacy then retains any revenue generated from the NP consultations.