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Shambles Foreshore


Shambles Foreshore

By Julianna Overett

As a first time Foreshore goer, I was disappointed. Lucky for me, I went free thanks to the winning of a bunch of tickets. We arrived at the entrance when it was mostly clear. Drunken partiers were already leaving disappointed. “Don’t bother, it’s not worth it!” The line consisted of about 6 people. But still we had to wait while tickets were checked. Once in it was a question as how to get anyways, let alone get out! It was a maze to get to any of the three stages, with security at every entrance directing back the way you just came. Every stage had an entry and an exit on opposite sides, and if you tried to go against the grain, think again.

For a ticket that costs $90 it was far from worth it. Two of the stages consisted of stage and dance floor, music pumped into the night air, which luckily was dry. Disappointingly the music that pumped was techno, over mixed music that can be heard in clubs in Canberra for free every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. When it came time for the main act we were there to see, we were directed back to the other side we had just come from, past the empty toilets we didn’t realise were there after having waited more than 30mins at the central toilets, back over a metal structure of stairs, a danger to someone sober let alone drunk. We made it to the entrance to the main stage which by this time was blocked by a wall of people who blocked entrance and vision. By this time highly frustrated having lost our friends and patience, we headed back over the metal bridge in search of an exit. But to our dismay in the game of opposites the exit was back over the bridge in the opposite direction from where we came in.

No loss to us though, a bit of exercise and strengthening of the bladder we left not short of a dollar. For those that did pay some had a great time, while others where disappointed. At least in future I will know not to bother!