By Rama Gaind
These three films have very different themes. Enjoy!
The Social Network
Outlining the formation and growth of the Facebook site, director David Fincher gives us a spellbinding legal drama that focuses on the youngest billionaire in the world, Mark Zuckerberg, played brilliantly by Jesse Eisenberg.
In 2003, this computer genius and Harvard undergrad used blogging and programming to create a communication revolution.
However, success also brought legal problems.
The film also stars Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Rooney Mara and Bryan Barter.
Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin provides a dramatic take on the increased popularity of the social media site – complete with society’s associated themes that may be unpleasant to some viewers.
Life As We Know It
A light romantic comedy where the chemistry between Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel pays some worthy dividends.
While they are not exactly enamoured of each other, they are forced to find a common ground so they can deal with the joint custody of their friends’ orphaned baby.
The Town
After his astonishing debut with directing ‘Gone Baby Gone’ in 2007, Ben Affleck now directs and stars in this coarse crime thriller that is set in Boston’s bank-robbing fraternity.
The FBI agent on his case is Jon Hamm.
Some engaging action shots, particularly the car chase through the city’s narrow streets, is a great saviour.