Home Uncategorized 'The Artist': an Oscar-winning treat

'The Artist': an Oscar-winning treat


Film Reviews

By Rama Gaind

THE ARTIST: Oscar-winning performance from Jean Dujardin in this romantic silent movie that unfolds the fall of a silent cinema star and the climb of a star (Bernice Bejo) who loves him.

SAFE HOUSE: A trendy action thriller directed by Daniel Espinosa sees a rookie agent (Ryan Reynolds) and a rogue CIA man (Denzel Washington) on the run in Cape Town. Hooks you after a slow start.

MY WEEK WITH MARILYN: This is a touching story in which Michelle Williams captures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe in a true story of a young assistant director (Eddie Redmayne) who befriended the star.

BUCK: There is wisdom about more than just horse training in this absorbing documentary about real-life horse whisperer Buck Brannaman.

TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY: An absorbing film from John Le Carreā€™s 1970s espionage novel that stars Gary Oldman as mole-hunter George Smiley.