On Friday 16/5/08 defence announced that they would go ahead of the unnecessary slaughter of our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos on the bnts site.
With the Indigenous people having a separate legislation to us, I asked Animal Liberation and Wildlife Protect, to ask the Indigenous people to immediately move into the bnts site to claim it, in order to save the site from housing development, and the death/removal of any of the Eastern Grey Kangaroos, a legal move that Wildlife Protect and the Indigenous people had been working on since the protest earlier this year.
Unfortunately everyone felt that there was plenty of time before defence would actually commence their cruel, illegal butchering of our native wildlife, so they didn’t ask them to act immediately.
Saturday 17/5/08 I met up with one of the indigenous people who asked me for some money for food, which they would need on the bnts site, which I handed over to him. Again I warned that they needed to move in immediately, that we were running out of time, but unfortunately he said there was still plenty of time.
They were waiting for the overseas media to arrive.
On Monday 20/5/08, the unthinkable happened.
I was informed that defence had begun their inhumane, unnecessary, illegal massacre of just under 100 Eastern Grey Kangaroos, that I had counted on the former bnts (belconnen naval transmission station) site on 2/5/08, when I visited and partially inspected the site, (I requested another site visit on 2/5/08).
First I watched the 6.30pm win News, and watched a kangaroo trampled to death in the chaos, while on the 7pm ABC news, the innocent dropping, fighting for their lives, trying to get up, dropping again, a joey, hopping after it’s mother, as it was shut out while she was trapped into the killing/anaesthetic pen with other innocent, gentle native Eastern Grey Kangaroos.
Kangaroos slipping, breaking their legs, their necks, colliding into one another, into the steel posts, as they jumped at the fences to try and escape the illegal herding of our native wildlife, with females herded into one corner, who were so stressed that they began pulling out their joeys from their pouches and throwing them out.
Kangaroos collapsing and dying from shock.
The anaesthetised for their cruel research had large, appearing to be too heavy, blue collars put around their necks, with the kangaroos, getting up, falling down, trying to get up again, too heavily sedated, seriously injuring themselves.
The incompetence, inexperienced, negligence was evident, none of these people involved in this darting, murder, experiments, knew what they were doing.
With the illegal slaughter, that should never have taken place in the first place, should have been abandoned immediately.
The rspca, who aren’t qualified anyway, and without expertise, left before the herding and darting began, and if the rspca were doing their job, they would never have allowed any of this cruel, illegal slaughter to commence, they should be standing beside us, refusing to allow this to happen.
I felt as though I had lost a part of my life, that was sucked out of me. The tears swelled in my eyes.
What have these gentle native animals, who are not at all dangerous, done to these people, to deserve such undignified, disrespectful treatment.
The scene was that of an abattoir.
Monday 19/5/08 I phoned Peter Garrett’s office and was informed that the illegal massacre began on Saturday 17/5/08.
Each day I phoned Kevin Rudd’s office to try and stop the illegal, unnecessary slaughter of our native wildlife.
Finally on Tuesday 20/5/08, Kevin Rudds’office informed me that Kevin Rudd agrees with defence’s decision, with the person who answered the phone letting me know that she had a typed script in front of her that she was told to read out to callers.
I again contacted the indigenous contact and asked him if he had moved into the site yet, he said tomorrow, Wednesday.
Wednesday 21/5/08, 9am, Finally the Elders moved into the site with their fire, and flag, and claimed it.
The police were called, who surprisingly, arrested 6 Elders, removed them and their flag from the site, and took them away in their paddy wagon.
They have to back in court on 6/6/08.
Below in my emails to the police is more information on this, in assisting the police with several charges, they need to lay on the perpetrators. I constantly phoned the police to request they arrest everyone involved in the illegal, inhumane, unnecessary, cold blooded murders of our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos.
The police continued to arrest the protesters, for sneezing in the wrong direction, in the attempt to weaken the protest, and to try to draw away the focus on the illegal cruelty that is going on inside, where the real criminals lie.
We had celebrities join in with the protest, Lynda Stoner, and Fiona
24-26/5/08, security guards, and possibly others, illegally driving around the enclosure, to illegally herd the kangaroos into the killing pens.
It appeared that all the joeys were cruelly bashed to death.
I am absolutely sickened, and extremely saddened by this local government and Kevin Rudd our newly elected Prime Minister’s mentality in this matter.
Kevin Rudd had the authority to stop this horrifying violence from now and into the future, that was happening virtually right in the middle of our city, but he refused to turn the ACT into an honest, native wildlife caring state.
It is intolerable, to be deliberately encouraging this type of violent, barbaric, cruel inhumane behaviour in our community, taking us back into the dark ages, rather than working together with WCG’s (Wildlife Carers Group) Proposal of our Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary, to ensure that we begin behaving like a civilised, educated community, using our Kangaroo Park/Wildlife Sanctuary as an educational tool, etc, for our new generation, teaching them to care, nurture, respect, value, live among, and to love our unique native wildlife and surroundings. Something to be extremely proud of.
This deliberate, unnecessary, illegal violence against our very own defenceless, non violent, peaceful, gentle native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, will live on and haunt this community for eternity, and indeed will damage Australia’s reputation.
Kevin Rudd really needs to do a quick re think about what he has allowed to happen here in the ACT, and end this type of violence in Canberra, and throughout the rest of Australia, before it’s too late for our native wildlife, environment.
Emails to Michael Phelan Chief of Police:
Further to this email, and our phone call, to assist you with fraud, inexperienced staff, incompetence, negligence, and cruel and unnecessary destruction of our native wildlife:
The government and defence claimed that they were saving the special native and protected grasslands, and wrongfully accused the kangaroos of killing it off, and thereby killing off other protected species.
The police have witnessed first hand, everyone driving all over this special native and protected grasslands, totally destroying/killing it, along with the other protected species.
- Grossly Over exaggerating the kangaroo population.
- using security guards to drive around the site in their cars to round up and herd our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos.
- Failure to provide a safe, secure, soft, warm recovery area for anaesthetised kangaroos that would lead out into a safe enclosure once recovered from anaesthesia.
- Failure to provide the proper care and treatment of injured, recovering kangaroos.
- Kangaroos breaking their legs attempting to escape and left lying on the ground suffering, through herding and round up, and in holding pens.
- kangaroos breaking their necks attempting to escape herding, roundup, holding pens
- kangaroos collapsing and dying from shock through roundup, herding, holding pens
- joeys bashed to death on vehicles, with other joeys apparently baited and poisoned, using green pellets, that were seen to eat it, and then collapse, unsure if it was to their death.
- kangaroos left traumatised, in shock, distressed, through roundup, herding, holding pens.
- live kangaroos bagged and dumped on the trailer as dead, left suffering.
- Blood test needed to be taken by WCG from a live joey for further investigation.
- kangaroos severely injuring themselves attempting to escape holding pens, roundup, herding.
- kangaroos colliding with one another in holding pens, roundup, herding.
- Kangaroos deprived of water and food, with joeys left alone in a holding pen for 3 days, deprived of mothers milk, food, starved till cruelly slaughtered.
I expect immediate action and the immediate arrest and removal of these government bodies, including the rspca, and anyone/everyone else involved in this fraud, conspiracy, corruption, incompetence, negligence, and cruel and unnecessary butchering of our native wildlife flora and fauna, all based on lies.
Further to my emails, to which I have not received any replies.
Firstly, may I point out that taxpayers pay your wage, to uphold the law.
No matter who breaks the law, it is your paid job, to arrest the correct people, rather than repeatedly arresting anyone who is attempting to stop the criminals/crime.
tams, contractors, the rspca, defence, etc. have broken the law:
- Extreme animal cruelty
- Expired licence
- Fraudulent application of a licence to kill native Eastern Grey Kangaroos
- trespassing
Until the courts determine who is the rightful owner of the former bnts site, you have enough charges against tams, contractors, the rspca, defence, etc, to arrest them, remove them from the site, hold/freeze the licence, and stop any further cruel unnecessary massacre of our native wildlife.
More information on cruel unnecessary kangaroo massacre that commenced 20/5/08 in canberra on the bnts site on www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/, Click on the news panel.
SAVING AND CARING FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATION, AND ALL OUR NATIVE WILDLIFE. More information on www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/, Click on the news panel for news on our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos on the defence sites, the rehabilitation licence, and animal welfare issues, and some of the abbreviated local, national and international media releases, 13 May 2007, http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/news/local/general/plan-for-three-days-of-death/584324.html, 14 May 2007, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/05/14/world/main2799551.shtml?source=RSSattr=HOME_2799551, 20 May 2007, http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200705/s1927723.htm, http://www.spa.gov.sa/English/details.php?id=452929, http://news.monstersandcritics.com/asiapacific/news/printer_1309191.php, 25 May 2007, http://www.abcscience.net.au/news/stories/2008/03/07/2182771.htm, 7 March 2008, www.kangaroo-protection-coalition.com/kangaroo-archives25.html, 23 April 2007. More information on www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/, Click on the news panel for news on our native Eastern Grey Kangaroos on the defence sites, the rehabilitation licence, and animal welfare issues.
Update – BNTS site visit on 2/5/08, More information on www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/, Click on the news panel. We have succeeded in getting the stanhope government to back down for now, with some of the newly erected fences finally dismantled, although, on 25/4/08, upon inspecting the site, it appeared as though other fences have been erected, once again depriving some of our roos from water, and fresher feed, therefore, to secure the proposed Kangaroo Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, by WCG, please keep signing our petition and Click on http://gopetition.com/petitions/save-all-the-kangaroos.html to sign our petition individually, (23/5/08 – almost all cruelly and unnecessarily massacred, commenced 20/5/08) to save ALL our kangaroos PLEASE, and send it onto your family, friends, co workers, mailing list, etc. post it onto your websites, and (CURRENT) www.gopetition.com/petitions/reinstate-our-act-kangaroos.html to reinstate our ACT native Eastern Grey Kangaroos onto the ACT Rehabilitation Licence for full term rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, noting the fact that the ACT is the only state in Australia, that does not allow the full term rehabilitation of our sick, injured, orphaned Native Eastern Grey Kangaroos, which are acts of animal cruelty. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD.
Thanks, have a fun day, and all the best for 2008 Nora
NORA PRESTON (began rehabilitating wildlife in the early ’80’s.)
PO Box 3509
Mob: 0406 056 099
email: [email protected]
www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/, www.myspace.com/wcginc Check out www.myspace.com/wcginc and become a friend.
26 May 2008
Support WCG. WCG is an independent, non profit, non government community based charity providing animal/wildlife care, rescue/rehabilitation and is also an animal/wildlife welfare group, providing protection for our wildlife/animals, run solely by volunteers, with no government funding. WCG relies on donations from the public in order to carry out its work. If you would like to make a donation to WCG, please send a cheque/money order made payable to Wildlife Carers Group Inc. to PO Box 3509, Weston Creek. ACT. 2611. AUSTRALIA. or contact us by email [email protected] or mobile: 0406 056 099 to discuss other alternatives. Thank you for all your support.
Aims and Objectives: To promote the general welfare and continued survival of native fauna and flora as an essential element of the environment, and specifically to undertake the specialised care necessary for the rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured native birds and other animals, to promote public awareness of the need to conserve existing wildlife species, and an understanding of their particular habitat and feeding requirements.
Support WCG. Become a WCG MEMBER, VOLUNTEER, WILDLIFE CARER, download the m/ship form from www.geocities.com/wildlife_carers_group/ and join up. Thank you for all your support.
Disclaimer: WCG and the author do not assume or accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for the accuracy or appropriate application of the information contained in this letter/email.