Home High School The Veronica's & National Convention Centre Canberra Team Up For Camp Quality

The Veronica's & National Convention Centre Canberra Team Up For Camp Quality


Bringing a little bit of fun into the lives of local children with cancer the National Convention Centre and Crowne Plaza Canberra last weekend played host to 20 Camp Quality children at The Veronicas Revenge is Sweet concert at the centre’s Royal Theatre.

In addition to the concert the children were treated to a meet and greet with the stars of the show, Lisa and Jess Origliasso, at a pre-concert party.

“The children that attended the concert on Saturday night have been through or are going through extended medical treatment and an event such as this is a real high point for them. We are extremely grateful to the National Convention Centre for providing such an opportunity” said Caroline McIntyre, Camp Quality ACT.

“Camp Quality is passionate about fun and The Veronica’s concert was a perfect outlet for it,” she said.

Camp Quality believes in bringing optimism and happiness to the lives of children and families affected by cancer through fun therapy. We believe laughter is the best medicine.

Canberra currently has around 80 local families as well as 30 regional families living with cancer who actively participate in Camp Quality’s programs.

The National Convention Centre Canberra is the largest meetings and events facility in the ACT. Following its $30 million refurbishment, the centre has been re-established as a world-class conferencing, meeting, event, concert and exhibition facility.

For more information or to contribute to Camp Quality’s programs visit www.campquality.org.au. For information on the National Convention Centre Canberra visit www.nccc.com.au.