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They've just announced weak targets


By Simon Sheikh

I’ve just finished reading an advance copy of the Government’s White Paper on climate change.

They aim to reduce carbon pollution by only 5% by 2020, with an option to go to only 15% if the rest of the world drags us there.

A 5-15% target means Australia is aiming for a global deal so weak scientists predict it will destroy the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu and the Murray Darling Basin. The window is still open, however, for Australia to become a world leader on climate solutions – if we demand it.

Many Australians voted for change at the last election on the promise of strong action to solve climate change. Kevin Rudd has today failed the mandate he was given to act; but we as a community can still show him that action to combat climate change is non-negotiable.

Since the Government isn’t listening to your concerns about climate change, let’s translate it into the language they will listen to: votes. So we’re asking the entire GetUp community:

Regardless of who you traditionally support, does today’s announcement make you less likely to vote for the ALP at the next election?



The PM has said he’ll be doing some holiday reading; so we’ll collate the results and make sure they’re on the desks of every member of the Government before Christmas. Who knows how weak the targets would have been without your efforts so far, but we know 2009 will take a renewed effort – beginning with the results of this poll.

Here in Parliament House, there’s a feeling the importance of this decision will be lost in the distraction of the holiday season. That’s why we think the best Christmas present we can give the Government is a reminder of the importance of strong climate change action.

Thanks for all that you do,

Simon Sheikh
GetUp National Director

PS – We’re translating community concern about climate change into the language all politicians speak: votes. Tell us: Regardless of who you traditionally support, does today’s announcement make you less likely to vote for the ALP at the next election


or href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=9EVUD3PZ2Z1EQ8hcypE0Sw_3d_3d">No




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