Hello all. and welcome again to your Weekly Wot’s Wot in Folkus & around the traps…
I was going to list some quotables from Pell & his minions this week but the list got far too long and far too ridiculous.
Suffice to ponder the one quote which in Pell’s case simply says it all. He was reported as having been "very excited" in the lead-up to his mass moment on Tuesday because "This will be the biggest mass I’ve ever presided over so far" …. once again reinforcing that his sole raison d’être seems related more to the euphoric effects of incense, occasion and dress-ups. He continues to fall short in his pastoral care role and is not a fitting role model for "The Young and The Restless[ly] Deluded"…
and the crass nature of the BIG SELL recruitment aspect of WYD should now of course be painfully obvious to all….
I bet they wish they had the power to impose conscription!
1. This Week in Folkus
2. Next Week in Folkus
3. Parish Notices
4. The Comics
5. Sport
This Week In Folkus –
BEST quality live music entertainment to the core …
The Folkus Room, (operates out of The Serbian Cultural Centre & Club) 5 Heard St. MAWSON ACT .. eastern side of Southlands Centre and just off Athllon Drive.. CHECK OUT OUR NEW MAPS PAGE…. just go to www.thefolkus.org.au >>> MAPS
Friday 18 July …. Big Bad Bazza’s Bonzer Blues & Boogie Band more dancing and PROPER entertainments than you could ever imagine. Baz Cooper has extended himself and taken great strides into the world of blues and boogie keyboards. He has gathered an excellent group around him and together they will provide a night of quality music that will fire up your socks and leave you feeling thoroughly entertained. Get along early (from 6pm) for some community and great food before dancing the night away from 8.00pm….
Then come back on Saturday for…
Saturday 19 July … Sat Arvo Jazz – 2pm to 5pm … with the Dan McLean Trio and Canberra Jazz Club’s monthly social & jazz jam…….
2. …….
Friday 25 July Susanna Carman with special guest, Margret RoadKnight ……………. Admission $20/$15
Parish Notices……..
3a. The Folkus Room is offering annual subscriptions. Go to www.thefolkus.org.au for details… WE NEED YOU! and YOU NEED SPECIAL DEALS ON ENTERTAINMENT WITH FUEL PRICES &/c GOING THROUGH THE ROOF! Go to our web site and check out the fabulous array of performances we have in store for you over the next twelve months. The special subscription offer is just too good to miss out on. Remember also that the benefits will simply keep coming back to you with our increased ability to attract more top line performers for your favourite Canberra live music performance space.
3b. for more info about Canberra’s LIVE music scene! …. http://www.loadedog.com/?page_id=132
3c. You are warmly invited to the public launch of the Woden Eco-Challenge – an exciting local project to help us all tread more lightly on our planet…. Launch of the Woden Eco–Challenge Sunday, July 27th 2.00 – 4.00 pm.- Holy Trinity Primary School Hall, Theodore St, Curtin … Woden SEE Change – who, what and why? Join our eco-challenge! * Lower your energy costs / Reduce your carbon footprint * Personal stories of practical ways to reduce our ecological footprint * Hear from the Home Energy Advice Team (HEAT) to find out how you can receive a low cost home energy audit…. Afternoon tea provided…. For more information email [email protected] or ph Audrey on 6287 3000 http://www.see-change.org.au Gold coin donation, Lucky door prizes
3d. The notice with depth, C21….
A sheep farmer was driving down the road one day when a traffic cop pulls him over and says, "Do you know you just made a U-turn"? The farmer replies, "Did I? Well, how about that! I knew that sometimes I make their eyes roll."
a bit hard to top last week’s pome (’twas truly a gem!) but I’ll try…
a sonnet to adventure and lure in the unknown….
On A Night of Snow
Cat, if you go outdoors, you must walk in the snow.
You will come back with little white shoes on your feet,
little white shoes of snow that have heels of sleet.
Stay by the fire, my Cat. Lie still, do not go.
See how the flames are leaping and hissing low,
I will bring you a saucer of milk like a Marguerite,
so white and so smooth, so spherical and so sweet –
stay with me, Cat. Outdoors the wild winds blow.
Outdoors the wild winds blow, Mistress, and dark is the night,
strange voices cry in the trees, intoning strange lore,
and more than cats move, lit by our eyes green light,
on silent feet where the meadow grasses hang hoar –
Mistress, there are portents abroad of magic and might,
and things that are yet to be done. Open the door! ………………… Elizabeth Coatsworth
Stay Well & Truly Silly Gentle Folk
Bill Arnett
The Folkus Room
Canberra’s Acoustic Preference
0407 434 469
"No Strangers Come Here – Just Friends We Have Not Yet Met"