Hello and welcome again to your Weekly Wot’s Wot in Folkus…
Page 3 item in the Sydney Morning Herald today says, "In a move clearly aimed at young women, a new kind of lo-calorie Vodka Cruiser …. is being promoted in Sydney bottle shops with the offer of free condoms and the chance to win a free pole dancing kit." says it all really doesn’t it… the Thugby League driven, Alan Jones adoring, Morris Iemma controlled, cultural centre of the universe……….
1. This Week in Folkus
2. Next Week in Folkus
3. Parish Notices
4. The Comics
5. Sport
The Folkus Room, (operates out of The Serbian Cultural Centre & Club) 5 Heard St. MAWSON ACT .. eastern side of Southlands Centre and just off Athllon Drive.. CHECK OUT OUR NEW MAPS PAGE…. www.thefolkus.org.au
Friday 23 May – The Transylvaniacs In Concert … Free range, backyard-distilled folk music direct from the villages of Transylvania to the catacombs of Mawson…….. BE THERE!
2. …….
Next Week In Folkus … THREE BIG SHOWS and they’re all BEST quality to the core …BOOK NOW!
Friday 30 May .. King Curly and The Doomsday Piano with some friends of theirs; Jordan Best
Saturday 31 May .. Sat Arvo Jazz – 2pm to 5pm … floor spots plus Judi Pearce & The Arrangement
Sunday 1 June .. The Yearlings; Doctor Stovepipe
Parish Notices……..
3a. The Folkus Room is offering annual subscriptions. … WE NEED YOU!
3b. The Canberra Irish Players are near to finishing rehearsals for another hit out ….Make sure you keep a night free for the Irish Community Players latest production of Bernard Farrell’s "therapeutic" comedy, "I Do Not Like Thee, Dr Fell", which will be on at the Canberra Irish Club, 6 Parkinson St, Weston, from 2nd to 5th June at 8 pm. Tickets cost $20 for Adults and $15 for Concessions, and bookings will be available at the club in a few week’s time on 62887451. Don’t miss the play that helped launch Liam Neeson’s career…
3c. Folkus on Blues is about to get happening. If you are a bluesy performer we would like to meet with you or your representative at The Folkus Room (Serbian Club, Heard St, Mawson) at midday on Saturday 31st May. If you can’t attend, or arrange a representative, and would like to be part of the Folkus initiative, please email me to that effect and I’ll see that your act is included. It would help too if band reps could come armed with a list of available dates – your diaries ladies and gentlemen.
3d. The notice with depth & C21…. Follow The Folkus into winter. The program just keeps getting better. We are also expecting to be able to present more jazz and blues/roots stuff as aficionados of those genres become more aware of the breadth of our charter.
4. … Hello John,
An old man was on his death bed, and wanted to be buried with his money. He called his priest, his doctor and his lawyer to his bedside. "Here’s $300,000 cash to be held by each of you. I trust you to put this in my coffin when I die so I can take all my money with me." At the funeral, each man put an envelope in the coffin. Riding away in a limousine, the priest suddenly broke into tears and confessed, "I only put $200,000 into the envelope because I needed $100,000 to repair the roof of the church." "Well, since we’re confiding in each other," said the doctor, "I only put $100,000 in the envelope because we needed a new X-ray machine for the pediatrics ward at the hospital which cost $200,000." The lawyer was aghast. "I’m ashamed of both of you," he exclaimed. "I want it known that when I put my envelope in that coffin, I enclosed my personal cheque for the full $300,000."
Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her;
if you can bounce high, bounce for her too,
Till she cry "Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover,
I must have you!" Thomas Parke D’Invilliers .. (F Scott Fitzgerald)
Stay Well & Truly Silly Gentle Folk
Bill Arnett
The Folkus Room
Canberra’s Acoustic Preference
0407 434 469 www.thefolkus.org.au
"No Strangers Come Here – Just Friends We Have Not Yet Met"