Home High School Union Bushfire Emergency Response

Union Bushfire Emergency Response

Donations for bushfire victims

The Australian Council of Trade Unions has today expressed its sadness and condolences at the tragic loss of more than 100 lives in the bushfires that swept Victoria over the weekend.


Unions have pledged at least $250,000 and are asking other union members and supporters to donate to the Red Cross Appeal, and to let us know of their pledge. (see attached media release) Australian Unions stand ready to support members including emergency service personnel involved in fighting the fires in Victoria and elsewhere, the healthcare and government workers caring for the many thousands of people affected, the media workers who are covering the events as they are unfolding and countless others caught up in this horror.


Union members are encouraged to take up a collection in their workplace and to ensure that employers at least match whatever is raised.


We will keep a tally of donations from unions and any other offers of practical and financial help.

Information will be at http://www.actu.asn.au/bushfireappeal


Call 1800 811 700 to make a credit card donation or log onto http://www.redcross.org.au


The website is experiencing heavy traffic so please be patient if it takes a while to get through.


Please notify us on the email address below with your pledges. If you have any details about union members or activists who may be directly or indirectly affected and who require help, please contact

us at [email protected] [email protected]


The ACTU call centre (1300 4 UNION) has also been briefed to handle inquiries and requests for help for individual union members.


Get more details here.