Home High School Volunteers Needed!!!

Volunteers Needed!!!


Do relationships conducted via the internet differ from relationships in the face-to-face world?

The researchers of the University of Sydney are currently investigating how relationships formed over the internet differ from those formed offline. Our study requires participants to engage in interactions either online or offline for approximately one hour a week over the duration of 5 weeks.

We are seeking individuals to participate in the study. They must:

  • Be aged 18 years and over to participate in the study
  • Be native English speakers or early bilinguals (having spoken English by the age of 5 years).
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
  • Have reasonable confidence in typing.

More information is available on our research website at: http://www.prometheus.net.au/onlineinteractions.

Please feel free to visit the website and to make others aware of the project.

Contact Ms Melanie Nguyen at the University of Sydney on (02) 9351 9390, or by email at [email protected].