Sunday 30 March 2008
FORUM: Shorelines – Palaeo, Pre and Present. A Story of Weereeewa
9.30 am to 5.00 pm One day multidisciplinary forum.
Since its inception in 1999, the Weereewa Festival has featured a one-day forum to bring together specialists in various fields and disseminate information to a wider audience. The aim of the Weereewa Festival forums has been to raise awareness and understanding of the unique values of Weereewa (Lake George) and its region.
This year’s Forum Shorelines Palaeo, Pre and Present, tells the story of the Weereewa region across a broad sweep of time. Speakers include Dr Geoffrey Hope Dr Kathryn Fitzsimmons and Dr Philip Hughes from the ANU, George Main of the National Museum of Australia, Beth Hatton, artist and Adam Muyt, ecologist. Barry Cohen will launch the forum, which is convened by Rainer Rehwinkel.
Silver Wattle
Lake Road
Bungendore NSW 2621
For registration forms ring:
02 6238 0119
Or Email [email protected]
Registration fee: $65
Concession: $50
(includes lunch and light refreshments)
(For the registration form please go tpo the Weereewa website at: www.weereewafestival.org)