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Weereewa Works on Paper Prize Exhibition


An interesting cross section of media, all works on paper, will be selected for the first Weereewa Works on Paper Prize. Works will be for sale from the exhibition, which will be at the  Bungendore Woodworks Gallery from Friday 28 March to Tuesday 8 April and is part of the 2008 Weereewa Festival of Lake George. The two prizewinners will be selected by judge Helen Maxwell of Helen Maxwell Gallery, Canberra. The winners will be announced at  6.30pm during the opening, which is from 6pm Friday 28 March at the Bungendore Woodworks Gallery, Malbon Street, Bungendore NSW

Pleaese note: Entry for the exhibiotn has been extended until 14 March. Information and entry forms are avaiable at http://www.weereewafestival.org/  Go to the "Works on Paer Prize" in the content menu.