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Wet sponges raise money for bushfire victims


Late last week Calwell High School students responded well above their numbers by raising nearly $1000 through holding a ‘mufti’ day and throwing wet sponges at their teachers.

Most of the school was involved during lunchtime with students being invited the day before to come to school with at least a gold coin donation and then they were given permission to have a uniform free day.

In a twist that saw 3 teachers get soaked to raise money to support those affected by the Victorian bushfires, if students brought $5 or more, they got a sponge which they could soak with icy cold water and throw it at a teacher behind a wooden barrier with a hole cut out for their head.

Claire Reimann, one of the two Fusion Chaplains at Calwell High, funded by Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the National School Chaplaincy Program since the end of 2007 said the idea only came the day before.

“I was talking with the schools pastoral care coordinator and suggested that we invite the students to respond to the victims of the Victorian bushfires with a uniform free day. They checked with the Vice Principal who straightaway said yes, and then said lets do it tomorrow!”

“The idea to invite students to give $5 so they could throw a dripping wet sponge came from another teacher who had heard how successful it had been done before. We thought it would add some excitement to the day, and help build fun between teachers and students.”

And it sure did that. Over 200 of the 500 students in the school came out to the oval at lunchtime to be part of the sponge throwing or witness it.

“I was very proud of the generosity and response of the students. Our young people care more deeply than we often give them credit. The bushfires are a tragedy and our young people feel the pain and loss as well. They wanted to do their bit to support their Victorian mates.”

The funds raised will go to help the work amongst communities in fire ravaged Victoria and will be donated via the Commonwealth Bank appeal.

Fusion is an Australian grown international Christian youth and community organisation with centres in every state and territory and now over 10 other countries. They have Chaplains in 2 high schools in Canberra and have been supporting the Canberra community for over 30 years.