A fresh approach to wellnessWill you support a fresh approach to Wellness in the ACT? The Linking-Hands Wellness Initiative is fully Incorporated and regulated by a governing Association. Our first AGM is this Sat, 16th February, 5.30- 7.30 at Simply Wellness Day Spa Retreat, and we are looking for an influx of enthusiastic members willing to share and promote our vision. This is an opportunity to be in at the start of a project that’s innovative and exciting. It is aimed at ‘helping people to help themselves’ and combines the best resources to assist those hampered by ill health make improvements that will enable them to remain in, or even return to, the workforce and active community life. You know how the rich and famous buy comprehensive packages of spa therapies, supplements and life coaching when they have a health challenge? Ever thought why? Because they can, and more importantly, because they work (They wouldn’t waste their money if they didn’t, would they?!) These programmes make a huge difference, enabling them to regain their health and fitness and keep their lives on track. So we, a community minded group of Canberrans, got together and designed similar, personalized, drastically subsidized, 3-12 month support packages for people with health challenges in the ACT.
Participants receive the worthy title of Friends, and where necessary, they will be helped to find sponsors to cover the cost of our programmes. A comprehensive initial evaluation establishes their regime and progress is closely monitored and recorded in 3 monthly reviews, which can be forwarded to Medical Professionals.
Linking-Hands can benefit you, your employees, your patients and your clients. Learn more; join us at our AGM, or enjoy yourself at our fundraising dinner at the Kamberra Winery on Friday 7th March (Invitations are going out soon). Phone Viv on 6100 3933, or email [email protected]. Wishing you well!