Home High School you never know when you may need them

you never know when you may need them


and can’t feed your pet or water your pot plants? What a loss of freedom if you can’t go away, and if you can’t rely on the good will of your neighbour to watch out for your place while you are away! What about in times of crisis- a fire, an accident, a burst water main, or electricity pole down in the wind? Friendly neighbours will always take the trouble to check how you are going, and will help you out or share information where possible. Goodwill can be lost easily by believing or repeating stories or gossip Good will is easy to lose, and takes a little effort to create and keep. Knowing the person in good times is always an insurance against a mistake, accident or misunderstanding in rough times. Treating each other with respect, and listening to another point of view is vital. Gossip involving neighbours often spreads quickly, and as is often said, bad news travels faster than good. If we do not know a person first hand, it is much easier to believe something said by others, or even to make assumptions about their motives when something happens. It is too easy to develop suspicions without proof For instance, the bin is tipped over. There are young people in the house next door, who have been seen hanging out in the driveway at night. Of course it was them. We may never test the truth of this belief. But next time something happens, eg a letterbox is damaged, we are more than likely to believe the same young people are responsible. If people are wrongly accused, they can become anti-social. Find ways to build social connection among neighbours Street parties are not everyone’s cup of tea, but they are a great way of getting to know people in your street. Sometimes people even find they have skills to share, or information to pass on. Even chatting at the local shops can be helpful. The potential for hearsay to